
Today at the Forum
Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Taking care of Scooter

The President stepped on his tongue several times in the whole Scooter Libby/Plame Blame Game.

First, three years ago, he told us all that if anybody in his administration leaked classified information he'd see that their hide got nailed to the wall but good.

Then, after it embarrassingly turned out that several people, including Libby, Karl Rove and Richard Armitage had talked to the press about Valarie Plame being an operative with the CIA, Bush said he meant he would nail anyone convicted of a crime for the leaking.

Then, after Libby, chief aide for Vice President Dick Cheney, was convicted of perjury for lying about doing the leaking, Bush said he wouldn't comment or consider using his power to reduce Libby's punishment as long as there were pending appeals.

Then, Monday, when a federal appeals court said there was no reason Libby couldn't start serving his jail time while appealing his conviction, the President stepped in to cut Libby a break. He didn't pardon Libby. He commuted his sentence down from two and a half years in jail to probation and a $250,000 fine, because the original sentence was "too harsh."

Given that it was recomended by a Republican prosecutor, imposed by a Republican judge and based on established sentencing guidelines, there are some conclusions to be drawn:
*Criminal punishment is never too harsh unless it is being applied to someone you know and can sympathize with.
*Blanket statements about zero tolerance of leaks etc., don't mean much when the leakers did it to help your side.

There is nothing illegal or improper about the President's action. He has pretty much absolute power when it comes to deciding whose sentence to pardon or reduce. That's a safeguard built into the system to protect against potential prosecutorial or judicial abuse.

Not illegal and not improper is not the same thing as not hypocritical.


at 6:28 AM, July 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Fourth Of July, the day when we seized our freedom from a king who was a tyrannical ruler. A day when the words of Keith Olbermann couldn't be more appropriate:


Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, do the right thing and resign. America doesn't want you, your lies, your war, or your evil viscous hateful philosophies.

at 7:56 AM, July 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the Trail of Plame Leads to (or Through) Scooter Libby
Posted July 3, 2007 | 10:41 AM (EST)

On September 30, 2003, just after the investigation into the outing of CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson began, President George Bush said:

"If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is . . . If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of."

We now know exactly what he meant. (And someone needs to make sure the video of Bush saying that gets in the hands of every TV network news producer -- as well as every Democratic presidential campaign.)

As the right-wing Wurlitzer cranks up to canonize the Shrub-in-Chief for commuting the sentence of poor, suffering Scooter here's a few talking points (hopefully concise enough for use with friends and family) that may help convey why Libby was the only person prosecuted in the Plame investigation -- and why Dubya's act yesterday aided and abetted Libby's obstruction of justice:

Bogus Spin #1: Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald went after Libby even after learning that Richard Armitage had been Bob Novak's "primary source" for his column outing Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA employee.

Wrong. Armitage made his admission in early October 2003, nearly three months before Fitzgerald was appointed. So it should be clear that Fitzgerald wasn't appointed just to find out who leaked to Novak. In fact, this means that -- even with Armitage's confession in hand -- there was so much evidence of wrongdoing that a longtime GOP loyalist like John Ashcroft felt he had no choice but to recuse himself and allow the appointment of a special counsel.

Bogus Spin #2: Even so, Libby wasn't the only one who leaked about Plame.

Maybe not, but it turns out that every other Bush administration who leaked did so with information they got as a result of Libby's actions. Ari Fleischer testified during Scooter's trial that Libby told him over lunch about Plame working for the CIA, and Karl Rove reportedly told a similar story to the grand jury that indicted Libby. Meanwhile, Armitage and Bushite press flack Dan Bartlett both found out through a State Department memo that was produced in response to questions that Libby had asked a top department official about Wilson's trip to Niger. If Libby (and his boss, Dick Cheney) had been content to reply to Wilson's criticisms on their merits rather than by rattling cages in search of fodder for personal attacks, none of the other officials would ever have been able to leak about Plame.

Bogus Spin #3: The trial was just Libby's word against that of a bunch of reporters.

Although three reporters did testify, they were preceded on the stand by six different government officials who each testified to having conversations with Libby about Joe Wilson's wife before the date when Libby first claimed to have heard it from a reporter. It was these officials' testimony, more than that of the reporters, that convicted Libby.

Bogus Spin #4: Libby was convicted for having a faulty memory.

It's never mentioned in the mainstream media, but Scooter didn't just "forget" telling reporters about Joe Wilson's wife working for the CIA, and deny it when he really had told them.

No, Libby's "faulty memory" caused him not only to deny where he had learned about Plame -- a note produced in the trial showed Vice President Cheney had told him she worked in the Counterproliferation Department of the CIA (where the majority of employees are covert) -- but to invent stories saying he HAD leaked to reporters when he hadn't. He claimed to have been the first to tell Matt Cooper about Wilson's wife, thereby covering up the fact that Karl Rove had done so. And he shielded Fleischer by falsely claiming to have told the Post's Glenn Kessler as well, apparently trying to cover for the Post's October 12, 2003 report that a journalist for the Post (who turned out to be Walter Pincus) had been leaked to -- a news story that was found, with key passages underlined, in Libby's files.

Thus Libby was convicted not just of perjury but of intentionally lying in order to obstruct the investigation. And what George Bush did yesterday was intended to make sure he got away with it.


at 9:14 AM, July 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

With his commutation of Libby's sentence and the eventual pardon, George Bush has bought and paid for Libby's silence. The Bush Administration is two parts Nixon and three parts Carter -- it is the most corrupt and most incompetent administration in American History.

at 11:47 AM, July 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Wells, were you rushed to get a story out before the July 4th deadline or are you intent to perpetuate the Liberal Political Gamesmanship and discredit everything related to George Bush II?

Your "half truths reporting" is expected and disappointing.

The Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson/Dick Chaney/President Bush: CIA operative outing was always about politics and making the present administration look bad. Hatred for the IRAQ war policy has driven politics since the start of the Iraq war.

The facts are that if anyone “outed” Valerie Plame it has been proven and well documented to be Richard Armitage. All others accused of the “outing”, by the media, you, and Liberals were carrying-on open conversations by both Democrats and Republicans, that were widely held in Washington political circles, after the Armitage divulgence.

Joe Wilson, Plame’s husband, is an activist Democrat and Liberal hack who was out to get the Bush Administration by any means possible. He lied more about this case than anyone and did so during numerous national TV and radio interviews. Joe Wilson’s campaign did more than anyone to advance the knowledge that Plame once was on the CIA payroll.

Libby was found guilty of lying to the Grand Jury under oath. He did not “out” nor conspire to “out” Plame. Yes, he and Chaney were interested in discrediting Joe Wilson’s campaign of lies regarding issues about the IRAQ war policy. This is effort was independent of the Plame storyline.

What is the point of identifying the prosecutor and judge as Republicans? Is this supposed to add credibility to Dave Well’s half-truths storyline? Washington is all about Politics and making a name for yourself. Do you still consider Liberal Supreme Court Justices Paul Stevens (he was appointed by Ford) and Souter (appointed by Bush I) as Republicans?

David Well’s is a sad and stark example of the quality and biases within the traditional main media outlets. Fortunately, even the threats of imposing the “Fairness Doctrine” will not prolong your ilk’s reign. The dominance of the dinosaur media is ending. The broad availability of internet media and “talk radio” provide a forum to discredit all lies and better inform the people.

at 2:41 PM, July 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You call President Bush's commutation of Scoote Libby's prison sentence hypocracy. Not mentioning Bill Clinton's pardoning of Dennis Rich, an embezzeler and some 460 others, and Sandy Berger's escaping a prison sentence for stealing top secret documents from the National Archives, is the real hypocracy, Mr. Wells.

Ted Smith
Park Hills, KY

at 7:41 PM, July 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of." President Bush, September 30, 2003

"Libby Indicted in CIA Leak Case on Charges of Obstruction, Perjury, Making False Statement" AP, October 28, 2005

"Libby Guilty of Lying in C.I.A. Leak Case" New York Times, March 6, 2007

But then...

"Bush Wipes Away Libby's Prison Sentence" AP, July 3, 2007

Restore Respect for Our Nation's Laws... Vote Democratic in 2008.

at 5:49 AM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When George W. Bush was governor of Texas, he presided over more than 150 executions. In more than one-third of the cases "57 in all " lawyers representing condemned inmates asked then-Governor Bush for a commutation of sentence, so that the inmates would serve life in prison rather than face execution.

Some of these inmates had been represented by lawyers who slept during trials. Some were mentally retarded. Some were juveniles at the time they committed the crime for which they were sentenced to death.

In all these cases, Governor Bush refused to commute their sentences, saying that the inmates had had full access to the judicial system.

I. Lewis Libby Jr. had the best lawyers money can buy. His crime cannot be attributed to youth or retardation. He has expressed no remorse whatsoever for lying to a grand jury or participating in the administration,s effort to mislead the American people about the war in Iraq. President Bush's commutation of Mr. Libby's sentence is certainly legal, but it just as surely offends the fundamental constitutional value of equality.

Because President Bush signed a commutation, a rich and powerful man will spend not a day in prison, while 57 poor and poorly connected human beings died because Governor Bush refused to lift a pen for them.

at 9:16 AM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Restore Respect for Our Nation's Laws... Vote Democratic in 2008."

So the vote in '08 will take care of all the corruption/lawlessness in government?? I think not...

at 9:23 AM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ted Smith of Park Hills,

Check out what the ultra-right-wing Washington Times had to say about the Libby affair:

This newspaper argued on behalf of its seriousness in the 1990s, during the Clinton perjury controversy, and today is no different. We'd have hoped that more conservatives would agree. The integrity of the judicial process depends on fact-finding and truth-telling. A jury found Libby guilty of not only perjury but also obstruction justice and lying to a grand jury. It handed down a very supportable verdict. This is true regardless of the trumped-up investigation and political witch hunt. It is true regardless of the unjustifiably harsh sentence.

Had Mr. Bush reduced Libby's sentence to 15 months, we might have been able to support the decision. Alas, he did not.

at 9:47 AM, July 05, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

I recently read somewhere (HERE) that approximately 3,000 petitions for commutation of sentence are sitting before this president. How many have been granted? Well we just don't know.
Libby didn't even petition for a pardon or commutation -- the president just took the initiative and moved him to the front of the line!

Can't have Libby stewing in a jail cell, he might crack and turn stool pigeon!
To Mr. Ted Smith: I'm guessing that the reason Mr. Wells does not mention Clinton administration issues here is because that's not NEWS anymore. Try searching the archives.

at 10:48 AM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:47am 7/4………Well written rebuttal but…..so you outed and put peon David Wells in his place. Who cares? Was it really worth the effort, for only a handful of people to read?

So what? David Wells actually read the criticisms regarding his half truths contained within his first story: July 3, 2007 “Taking care of Scooter” and rewrote a story for July 5, 2007 “PRESIDENTIAL ACTION”.

at 11:20 AM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clinton pardoned a guy named Rich. Well, guess who Rich's attorney was? SCOOTER LIBBY!

Do you think the CIA will have an increase in covert agent membership now that recruits know their own country will 'out' them as punishment for their spouses expressing an informed, intelligent, fact-based divergent opinion, even though they have the full Constitutional right and authority to do so?? I think not! Gee, that oughtta help the terrorism problem, good job. IDIOTS!

No wonder Rob Portman is coming home! SMART MOVE!

Another odd note: Bill Clinton's been out of office for almost a decade now, and still the Republicans are foaming at the mouth. Why? He's still one of the most powerful and admired people in the world, they can't change it, and they can't stand it. For someone to still capture so much attention after all these years is remarkable. And he worked side by side with Bush the elder (who I also like) to bring millions of dollars of relief to tsunami victims! Wow, a Democrat and a Republican working together for good! AMAZING! Proof they both are really Americans first, after all. Makes me proud of them both.

How's Bush the lesser doing along the Gulf Shores, 2 years after Katrina? One guy, with full bipartisan support, and he can't even get the Alabama shoreline straightened out, let alone Mississippi! Or Florida's panhandle, the state his brother "promised" him back in 2000...nice to see how he repaid that gift, eh? Not only that, he refused help from countries that normally are considered our enemies! Even CUBA thought charitably of our people's plight after the tragedy, but did Bush? No! Go there and look for yourself! Yet Bush says he's a Christian? HA!

"By your fruit will ye be known" according to the Bible, and G.W. Bush's fruit is rotton.

I'm an Independent politically, but it's a certainty I'm voting Democratic in '08. YOU lost my vote, Republicans; deal with it.

at 2:16 PM, July 05, 2007 Blogger Don't Know said...

It's really sad when someone puts their fingers to the keyboard without knowing the facts. Scotter wasn't accused of leaking anything, so how about doing your homework first.

E. Burns / Fairfield

at 3:21 PM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:20 AM, July 05, 2007 ....May you enjoy your beloved Mrs. Bill Clinton and the National Health Care Program to follow.

I'm sure the government will run National Health Care as well as they run your FEMA, VA, Public Education, SS, Welfare, Flu Shots Program, Private electronic Data Protection, etc.

Enjoy your triumph!

at 3:54 PM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Ed - and Al Capone wasn't accused of organized crime, he was convicted of tax evasion. Does that mean Al wasn't so bad?

at 5:01 PM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

at 3:21 PM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous said...

I'm sure the government will run National Health Care as well as they run your FEMA, VA, Public Education, SS, Welfare, Flu Shots Program, Private electronic Data Protection, etc.

Actually before the republicans and conservatives came to power these programs were actually doing quite well. it wasn't until the right wing hacks came in and politicized and screwed things up that there was an issue.

i guess it all started with the prophetic words of st. ronny:

"i'm from the government and i'm here to help"

and by god he made sure that those became the scariest words around.

at 8:01 PM, July 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:01pm ……It's sad when one, who may vote, can not distinguish inept politics from the inherent ineptness of socialistic government and its “lowest common denominator” welfare policy.

Did you intentionally overlook the Welfare Maven’s’ Lyndon Johnson, Tipp O’Neal, Dan R (House Speaker), Ted Kennedy, and Jimmy Carter? Let’s not forget the present leadership of Nancy P and Harry R. Yes, you’re obviously correct. Over the last 50 years of the Welfare State, all the country’s problems are of Republican origin.

Did your mommy forget to tuck you in last tonight?

at 4:13 AM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:01pm is spoken by a true Liberal who believes in their creed: "In Government by Libs We Trust!"

at 5:26 AM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never let historical facts get in the way of whining parasites.

at 8:54 AM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, 3:21pm July 5! Who said anything about Hillary? LOL! I'm actually considering John Edwards...but it will depend on who the Democratic party elects in their primaries. I've got no say in that, since I'm NOT A DEMOCRAT (in case you missed that the first time).

Ever get sick in Europe? (have you ever even left your hometown?) I have. They took great care of me, and I paid a third of what I would have here. When I was in Canada as a kid and got hit by a car while riding a bike, the National health care system took excellent care of me then, too, which really shocked my parents. My injuries were minor, and I only spent the night, but my mother and I didn't have to wait AT ALL in the Emergency room while filling out insurance paperwork. So you are going to have a hard time convincing me our current system is the best and should remain. Every health care system, national or private, has problems and issues.

However, THE POINT was Scooter Libby, CONVICTED of PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. You just want to divert everyone from the point. OK, so where are your answers to my two pointed questions?

Why isn't the Gulf Shore cleaned up and restored? Not New Orleans, but THE REPUBLICAN GULF SHORES?

How does the CIA recruit and retain operatives after this political nuclear meltdown Bush has caused with this commutation?

I'd wait, but I've got a feeling you have nothing to offer, other than "LIBERAL BLAH BLAH"...that's real intelligent. How sad! And you know the REALLY sad part? This division is EXACTLY what the terrorists want. Pawns! WAKE UP!

at 9:20 AM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

FEMA didn't leave Homestead AFB an ignored mess for years after it was demolished by a hurricane. It was one of my favorite places during my time working for the Air Force. Other disasters in this country have been handled just fine by FEMA...until Katrina. That's a Republican mess.

The VA has been a mess for decades. That's not a Democrat problem, it's a general bipartisan apathy for the soldiers who sacrificed their health and limbs defending this country. We can honor the dead, but we urinate on the surviving vets. That's disgusting.

Public Education: Vouchers and charter schools are Republican inventions. They pull money from the Public Education system.

Social Security: It was the Democrats who tried to isolate Social Security and lock it out of the reach of the General Fund. Al Gore had that idea, using the $3 trillion dollar surplus we had at the time to shore up the program. The National Debt was also lowered in the Clinton years. And, thanks to the now-abandoned Republican CONTRACT WITH AMERICA, our budgets were balanced every year. That ended when Bush was elected.

Welfare: The Welfare-to-Work program was a Democratic proposal by Clinton. The result? Reduced welfare rolls, increased welfare fraud indictments as people were caught, time limits on benefits and the lower income saw a rise in employment.

Flu Shot Program: Also worked in the 90's, but we can't get enough vaccine for the gneral public now.

What was the last one? Oh yeah, Electronic Data Security. Again, this is a bipartisan problem. Thieves don't care who's in office. Blackwell had trobles; Fifth Third Bank had troubes; the NKY Chamber of Commerce had troubles; Strickland's had troubles. So have all the major credit card companies.

Please, do your research.

at 10:07 AM, July 06, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

You really have to give Tony Snow credit. He can do with three simple words what Rumsfeld used to take an entire afternoon to say.

QUESTION: Can I follow on that? If there are more than 3,000 current petitions for commutation — not pardons, but commutation — in the federal system, under President Bush, will all 3,000 of those be held to the same standard that the president applied to Scooter Libby?

SNOW: I don’t know.

at 10:15 AM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so the nonsense of 8:54 AM and 9:20 AM, July 06, 2007 continues and leads to her obvious conclusion. She expects the government to solve her problems and run our lives.

Grow up! You might be surprised what can be accomplished by your own individual efforts. It worked for our Nation’s first 150-200 years before we blindly dove into socialism, with lowered expectations, resulting from less effort.

at 11:11 AM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint folks but the Libby case is a blip on the screen. Enjoy for now if you like politics.

Bush will be judged 20+ years from now, based on the results in IRAQ and the progress of the war against Radical Islamic Fundamentalism at that time.

at 2:10 PM, July 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This hatred for all things Bush is tiring and sad. If the democrats could show the same disdain for Islamic terrorists we may actually defeat them. But I don't hold any hope for a democrat conversion to the good side.

Sadly, the Holy War of Islam Terrorists and their collaborators (both overt and covert) against the Christians and Jews will last for generations. Only until worldwide geographic segregation is imposed or one side outlasts the others detonated weapons of mass destruction will some semblances of peace exist.

Unfortunately, the genie of hatred is out of the bottle.

at 8:43 AM, July 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:10 anonymous wrote:

This hatred for all things Bush is tiring and sad. If the democrats could show the same disdain for Islamic terrorists we may actually defeat them.

there is a critical difference. bush is in our backyard soiling everything he touches.

terror is a tactic, indeed rove has used it quite well to keep bush in power. none the less, you can't defeat terror, even if you simply kill them all.

at 10:21 AM, July 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This hatred for all things Bush is tiring and sad. If the democrats could show the same disdain for Islamic terrorists we may actually defeat them. But I don't hold any hope for a democrat conversion to the good side.

This hatred for all things Clinton is also tiring and sad. If the Republicans could show the same disdain for Islamic terrorists, rather than for anyone who gives objective advice that may not fall in lock-step, we may actually defeat them. But I don't hold any hope for a Republican conversion to righteousness.

at 12:46 PM, July 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

anons@8:43 AM & 10:21 AM

Nice try. That is exactly what a " covert" collaborator WOULD say.

at 9:03 PM, July 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hoping for national health care for a number of reasons:

1. HMO's are paid to turn away patients and deny claims.
2. HMO's and insurance companies are adding layers for middle man services to the cost of providing health care.
3. The CEO's of insurance companies are awarding themselves obsence compensation paid for by health care dollars.
4. Companies, governments and individuals will save the cost of health care provided by a better source.
5. Doctors are having a difficult time getting malpractice insurance.
6. Legal claims are adding to the health care cost.
7. Too many people do not have access to health care.
8. Our system has resulted in one of the lowest expected age longevity of industrailized governments.
9. Canada, England, and France have an average wait of about 20-25 minutes after they come into the waiting room. My experience with my parents in their last year was waits of 10-14 hours.
10. Due to the above reasons, the cost of our health care system is so high because of the add-on services. I would rather pay for the actual cost of health care and nursing home service and have it their when it is needed. Sooner or later we will all have to use it.
11. Nursing home and last year of health care can strip a family of expected inheritance under the present system.

It should be fixed, hopefully someone will be able to articulate the need.

at 10:48 AM, July 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm. it looks like we might not be forced to wait twenty years for history to judge the greatness of george bush:

showing that nearly half of Americans want the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush, and 54 percent favor impeachment hearings for Vice President Cheney.

at 8:35 AM, July 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:48 Polls mean little if you want to be a leader. However, you try to add credibility to your arguments by citing them.

Congress's poll rating are at historical lows. Theirs, Pelosi, and Reids are below Bush by about 10 percentage points. OOppps, did you intentially leave that out?

at 10:23 AM, July 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

the congressional polls are at an all time low because the conservatives have been stinking up the place for seven years. enough said.

at 10:35 AM, July 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:43 AM, and 10:21 AM, July 07, 2007 and other libs………..I’ve read thru this thread and observed how you like to reverse paraphrase what conservatives write.

Thank you Libs for your representative presentation of a true Liberal’s perspective and effort.

“Liberals contribute the minimum, while gladly and without gratitude living off the fruits of others’ labor!”

at 2:17 PM, July 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:23 AM, July 09, 2007

........Don't let the facts that the libs won the 2006 election, hold both houses, and their polls have dramatically dropped since they took office impact your illogical hate.

at 4:11 PM, July 09, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

anon@2:17 PM

The dems ( " libs" whatEVER!) won the 2006 election and hold both houses because they... insinuated, implied, led us to believe-- that they would end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home. They now have bottom of the barrel approval ratings because they proved themselves (once more) to be nothing more than ambitious, consummate politicians(liars)just like their Republican counterparts.

The lesson here: this con-game only works for so long. One day the suckers get wise -- and things turn ugly. (pardon my film noir parlance).

at 7:36 PM, July 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better spend more time at your AA meetings - is it your position that the Dems should clean up in their first 100 days what it took the Goofy Old Party so long to screw up? That Blunder in Iraq has been solely under the control of the Goof in the White House and he's had free rein. Certainly the Goofs of the Old Party who were in control for his first six years didn't stand in the way - they were simply rubber stamps. You're right about con games, AA - and your con game just got busted. The moron in chief is now hiding behind executive privilege; he's screwed up in Iraq; the economy, so good if you own stock, ain't so hot for the blue collar weekly wage earner - Americans have learned that if it's Republican it simply sucks.

at 8:40 AM, July 10, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

Bill, Whoa big fella', relax! I'm not singling out your beloved Democrats as the bad guys. In my opinion they're no worse than the GOP. Read again.

No, I don't expect them to clean up Bush's mess in 100 days. I only expect them to BEGIN making an honest effort. Like all pols, they have this uncontrollable compulsion to say one thing and do the exact opposite.

If they believe(as I do)and as Harry Reid has as much as said, that our soldiers & marines are dying in vain in Iraq -- then they should END it regardless of political consequences.

They can end it by defunding it. They are petrified that they will be labled as " losing the war". So is Bush. So both sides do nothing. Both sides are liars, cowards and con-men. In my humble opinion of course.

at 9:08 AM, July 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The knowledge that there is little policy or ethics differences between the Libs and Republicans is not new. Both are driven by Power and the money to maintain power.

I think that we have advanced in our mass communication technology and dissemination of information (misinformation too) that we should be looking at US constitutional changes to provided for National Referendums, for voting by the public.

Politicians are not listening to the Public and they too often conduct misinformation campaigns to conceal their true intentions and their legislative impact. Also, I don’t like the US Supreme Court making rulings 5-4 that dramatically impact our daily lives.

The voting public will get it wrong at times but more often than not they get it right, when voting issues are plainly documented.

Our founding fathers meant for the legislative body to be a part-time job, not a politician’s career for corruption and power control mongering.

at 9:16 AM, July 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill AdKins I hope your ramblings help you sleep at night. Thanks for writing occasional comical relief. Enjoy your notoriety!

at 4:25 PM, July 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon@9:16 AM, July 10, 2007 - is that it? Is that the extent of your debating skills? And what school of debate did you attend, Peewee's Playhouse? Why, you could have used that classic - 'Rubber an dglue, what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." or, "I know you are, but what am I." Instead, you fluffed it - better you sign up to work porn films as a fluffer.

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