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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Helping a deserving family

Kudos to Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Westwood, for introducing a private bill to expedite the immigration application of Maha Dakar, the Green Township mother at risk of being deported because of the glacial bureacracy of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

The chances of the bill passing are slim, as noted in Tuesday's Enquirer story, but just filing it will get Dakar, husband Bassam Garadah and their four children an 18-month repreive.

Chabot is a staunch foe of illegal immigration -- one of those who in my opinion insisted on mislabeling the punishments and procedures of the recently defeated immigration reforms as "amnesty." Yet, he correctly sees the inherent unfairness of the Dakar case. This is a family here legally, whose citizenship should be encouraged, but which may have to leave the country or be split apart because of a government agency's inflexibility.


at 10:57 AM, July 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL of the tri-state's delegation -- Boehner, Schmidt, Davis, McConnell, Brown, Voinovich & Bunning -- should get behind this. To break this family apart would not benefit the USA in any way whatsoever.

It's time for some honest-to-goodness "family values" for a change.

at 1:47 PM, July 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This case highlights two problems with our system: first, why set a deadline for deportation that is sooner than the date a petition will be heard? We drag out the political asylum hearing to the point where this family has established themselves in a community and raised children, only to deny their request then give them an unreasonably short period to find alternatives. Perhaps if we allowed people to stay in the country until their petitions are fairly heard, the bureaucracy would be encouraged to move at a faster pace.

Second, what interest of ours could possibly be served by shipping a husband and wife to separate countries, regardless of whether or not they have children? Someone in Congress needs to write a law saying that a married person will not be deported from the US if their spouse cannot go to the same country, unless the person has committed a crime.

I tend to side with Boehner when it comes to immigration. While I sympathize with illegal immigrants forced to leave their American born children when they are deported, those people created the situation themselves. That's not the case for this family. I see no problem booting out the lawbreakers but it is unconscionable that we would punish those that follow the law.

at 4:17 PM, July 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every citizen of the world has a right to become a US citizen, if they can sneak within the USA borders and start having babies. The key is to bare your kid On USA soil, use the baby as an anchor, and rely on the sympathy of the USA to then allow all blood relatives into the Country. Its the family values thing to do.

at 1:30 PM, August 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When people obey our laws in regards to immigration, we need to defend their lawful residency. I'm glad Rep. Chabot has initiated this bill, and I agree with the poster who suggested the rest of the region's lawmakers get behind it. (Forget Schmidt, though, it's not promoting the war in Iraq, so she'll have no interest!)

Wow, I just had a wild idea. How about an exchange? We'll round up 50 illegal immigrants in exchange for letting this legal family remain, for instance. It seems to work for the Taliban, the Palestinians and half the rest of the world...

I hope this family gets to stay; they've done everything we've asked of them. Now we need to step up and defend them.

at 11:08 PM, August 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God, what hypocricacy! Somehow this family deserves "family values" but all the others do not? If this were about "family values," those people who came to our country through our own acquisece (sp) and their desperate need to escape poverty and third world conditions - who work, doing the dirtiest work for the cheapest labor so companies can make bigger profits, would be just as deserving. Blame bureacracy? Well, if our nation had more fluent "bureacracy" for the Hispanics who just want to feed their kids, legal worker permits would be available and NOONE would be seeking to usurp the law, just as this family is doing.Either enforce the laws equally or write some new laws that reflect "family values" for all families!
And, Chabot, well he is the biggest darn hypocrit of them all -- fix the problem Chabot or come home for good!

at 9:33 AM, August 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give USA citizenship to all illegals NOW! We Libs need more socialist thinking voters.

at 6:03 PM, August 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Socialism" views founded this nation - all of us are immigrants - everyone of us. Somewhere, somewhere, those values that built this great nation have been lost to an aristocracy mind set where we think it should apply to us, but noone else.
We have become stingy, selfish and only care about ourselves despite the many benefits we would receive from the legalization of a controled worker program that leads to citizenship
"Socialism" yea, right --- that capitalism my firend

at 8:34 AM, August 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it to a lib ans socialist to interpret the Declaration of Independence , US Constitution, and Bill of Rights as a vehicle promoting socialism.

at 10:21 AM, August 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree that socialistic views founded the USA.

But with that twisted justification to support socialism today, since Slavery helped to developed the start of the USA, then I guess Anon supports slavery today too.

at 6:24 PM, August 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'all seem to be missing the point. This family entered the country legally. They have complied with our laws, even the stupid ones. It doesn't matter how we came to those laws, or whether we are a socialist country (we are certainly not) or a capitalist one (we are no longer that, either). The people who sneak across our borders to feed their poor families did not follow our rules and laws, which are far easier than most other countries. So the argument happening here is not relevant, nor even on track.

Yes, those poor hungry Third World people deserve to come here. LEGALLY. This family came here LEGALLY. Get the point? OBEY OUR LAWS, and we'll help you.

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