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Monday, July 23, 2007

Gonzales' upside-down logic

In a 26-page memo to the Senate Judiciary Committee, released Monday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he wants to stay in his job to fix the image of the Justice Department and that he is troubled that politics may have played a role in hiring career federal prosecutors. The memo was released in preparation for Gonzales scheduled appearance before the committee Tuesday.

Its contents show the twists of logic often employed in Washington that leaves news consumers scratching their heads over the doings of newsmakers.

Just so the attorney general doesn’t get too confused when he’s questioned by the committee, I’d like to point out two things for him:

*The broken image he describes at the Justice Department is the result of the policy of politics over justice that has been practiced during his tenure. The one thing that symbolizes the broken image of the Justice Department is Alberto Gonzales himself.

*The problems being investigated by the Judiciary Committee don’t center on people being hired because of their politics; the concern is that federal prosecutors were fired because they didn’t meet the partisan political standard of in charge.

“From my perspective, there are two options available in light of these allegations. I would walk away or I could devote my time, effort and energy to fix the problems,” Gonzales wrote in the memo. Unfortunately, he has picked the wrong option. His staying only makes the situation worse.


at 4:56 PM, July 23, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

Gonzalez will stay because Bush has assured his old buddy and consigliere that he won't throw him under the "scooter" to save his own butt.
Gonzalez should stay because the only other lawyers still remaining in the DOJ are 30 year old graduates of Regent University's School of Theocratic Zealotry With Some Law Thrown In.

at 5:13 PM, July 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did Bill Clinton fire ALL 93 Federal Prosecutors when he became president?

Surely he did not want to hire 93 new federal prosecutors who favored his political policies.

Mr. Wells, did you intentional neglect to mention that the hiring and firing of federal prosecutors is ALWAYS tainted with politics.

Or is it only a concern when the firing of 8 by a Republican president is not communicated as effectively as the firing of 93 by a Democrat president.

at 8:21 AM, July 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the Carpetbagger Report:

In 1993, Clinton replaced H.W. Bush’s prosecutors. In 2001, Bush replaced Clinton’s prosecutors. None of this is remotely unusual. Indeed, it’s how the process is designed.

The difference with the current scandal is overwhelming. Bush replaced eight specific prosecutors, apparently for purely political reasons. This is entirely unprecedented. For conservatives to argue, as many are now, that Clinton’s routine replacements for H.W. Bush’s USAs is any way similar is the height of intellectual dishonesty. They know better, but hope their audience is too uninformed to know the difference.

at 3:29 PM, July 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Federal Prosecutors by law serve "at the pleasure of the President". This is a political assignment.

Federal Prosecutors are asked to resign at the start of new administrations and when they are judged as not following the political will of the president, when making rulings that are political in nature.

If all 8 dismissed federal prosecutors had political agendas different than the president, the president is well within his power to dismiss them.

Only, if any of the federal prosecutors were dismissed to avoid prosecution of actual crimes should there be a legal issue, for review by congress.

Without any basis for democrats’ allegations, this is a typical liberal political witch hunt.

at 8:57 AM, July 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

alberto gonzales is the tip of the iceberg in the bush crime family. never in our history has one politican been so incapable of telling the truth.

but then he doesn't have to. if convicted he will never serve because bush will simply pardon or commute his sentence. the circle is complete.

meanwhile in breaking news, it was reported that the earth is really 7000 years old, not 6000.

at 2:57 PM, July 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of those commenting are demonstrating a basic lack of understanding of this issue.

Here is the problem surrounding this issue and why Gonzales is in such hot water. There is evidence, based on documents and testimony before Congress, that some of the U.S. attorneys were improperly selected for firing because they were hesitant to pursue vote fraud allegations, public corruption cases or accelerate the pursuit of these cases in order that coincide with the runup to to the 2006 elections. These cases in question almost exclusively involved allegations against Democrats in areas where the margin between candidates polled very closely. There is the appearance of an effort to use these allegations, some of which were based on the most sketchy of information, in order to influence elections. There is also evidence from documents and testimony that the direction for these firings came from inside the White House political office. So you might say that could be considered a serious allegation

To blithely dismiss it by saying "they serve at the pleasure of the President" simply reflects a lack of understanding of the issue.

at 7:18 PM, July 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, are you saying that the eight Federal Prosecutors failed to diligently pursue allegations of voting improprieties committed by Democrats?

at 8:34 PM, July 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you mike. well stated.

at 8:09 AM, July 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clinton fires 93 lawyers no one says a word. He fires the White House travel office (some had served since Kennedy and Johnson) and sics his scumbag wife on them to destroy their lives then replaces them with inbred family members, not a peep. Bush fires 8 expendable lawyers and the world is coming to an end.
Now Gonzalez, the fact of the matter is the democrats are racists and have targeted him because he as a “minority” doesn’t need the left. Therefore he must be destroyed.
As far as "never in our history has one politician been so incapable of telling the truth" the writer clearly was living under a rock during the scandal ridden, “meaning of the word is” Clinton years.

at 11:16 AM, July 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. The Law should be applied fairly and equally to all. However, Washington policitics rules the federal courts' days.

at 2:19 PM, July 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:09 was close with:

Bush fires 8 expendable lawyers and the world is coming to an end.

the real truth is:

Bush steals two elections and the world is coming to an end

at 9:52 AM, July 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

at 2:19 PM, July 27, 2007 Anonymous said...

Its called the electoral college you might want to look it up and Bush won the election its time to grow up and let it go. Youll have your shot at destroying the country with Hillary Marx and B. Hussien "Paris Hilton" Obama. This is the best you guys can produce? A talentless hag who couldnt get a job flipping burgers if it werent for her sleaze bag husband or B. Hussein Obama?

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