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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thumbs up and down in NKY

Thumbs Up: To all the high school graduates and the inspiring stories we've been reading about young people doing spectacular things and overcoming odds. For example, there's Luke Chaney, (right) co-valedictorian of Silver Grove School, who has enlisted in the Navy after a high school career filled with achievements and community service. Then there is Highlands High School grad Alan Hutchison, who is headed to Yale University to study physics. He's a self-described "regular guy" who went above and beyond Highland's course offerings. You'll find more grad stories here.

Thumbs Down: To Brandon Hall, a former Newport High School math teacher, who received a $500 fine and three years' probation. Newport police taped him offering a lighter to juveniles smoking what appeared to be a hand-rolled joint. Hall had no past criminal record, which is partly why he got such a light sentence. Still, when his attorney said Hall was "no threat to anyone," we're not so sure the parents of Newport would agree.

Thumbs Up, sort of: To Boone County and Florence officials who assembled to talk about mutual issues and concerns this week -- for the first time in six years. There was plenty to discuss. Do y'all have schedule books that are really that full?

Readers are invited to submit their own “Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down” items by replying to the “Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down” post at this blog. We’ll publish some of the best ones on the Community Forum page of The Kentucky Enquirer as well.


at 1:48 PM, June 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thumbs down to Mr. Fred Tivin (http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070601/EDIT02/706010352/1090) who believes that High Schoolers that didn't learn what they should have in the 10th grade should get high school diplomas. Thanks for helping to lower our societies standards.

at 10:20 PM, June 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thumbs up to the Army Reserve's 478th Engineering Battalion, who recently deployed to Iraq. This is the second time they've deployed in four years. Let's hope they can all soon return to their families safely.

Thumbs down to Peter Bronson, who used his Memorial Day column to scoff at the need for an Iraq exit strategy ("a Vietnam-era synonym for bailing out," as he put it). Such outlandish rhetoric is sadly expected from Bronson, but this is truly a new low for him. Our troops, who take great risks for this country, deserve an exit strategy. Shame on Peter Bronson.

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