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Thursday, May 31, 2007

No pity for poor Amy

Norm Aubin, court-appointed attorney for Amy Baker, in discussing his client’s extradition to Kentucky for helping her lover dump the remains of little Marcus Fiesel in the Ohio River, is quoted in Thursday’s Enquirer saying, “She doesn’t understand why this happened… And it’s hard to explain to her why this happened when myself and the (Ohio) prosecutors are also at a loss to understand why this happened.”

That has to be one of the most specious lines in the history of criminal defense.

It’s happening because Baker played a major role in what happened to a helpless 3-year-old while exhibiting all the maternal instincts of a hungry Norway rat.

Baker escaped prosecution in Ohio by agreeing to testify against Marcus’ foster parents and her lovers, David and Liz Carroll. The Carrolls got the life sentences they deserved, but the general public never bought Baker’s claims of powerless innocence or thought she deserved to get off just because she was willing to point the finger at two other hungry rats. Obviously the prosecutor in Kentucky feels the same way.

It wasn’t the Ohio prosecutors’ responsibility to make sure she was immune from prosecution in another jurisdiction. That was up to Baker and the lawyer representing her when the deal was made.


at 12:06 PM, June 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN!! I have followed this story like one watches a horrific traffic accident. Sick to my stomach and wanting to turn away, but for some reason unable to.

I do understand why Deters & Breyer made the deal they did - they figured two guilty parties was better than none ... but I bet if you ask either of them on their deathbed they'll confess that they also believe Baker is just as guilty as the Carrolls.

As for the Mason County prosecutor, God bless him! I am so happy that he is a man of principle and did not succomb to the pressure of Deters & Breyer to just let the matter drop.

No matter how much time Amy Baker serves, it will not be enough, but it does make me feel a little better knowing she will not go scot-free.

Now I just hope they don't accept a plea deal that gets her no prison time ... and when she does go to prison, I hope they put her in the general population, with all those mothers angry about being torn away from their own children ... THAT would be a little piece of justice for sweet little Marcus.

at 11:20 AM, June 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't understand for the life of me how a plea deal with no jail time would be worth a single tax payer dime. We already know this lowlife is guilty. Now she doesn't want HER children in foster care. IMAGINE THAT! She doesn't think her kids deserve the same treatment Poor Marcus went through. A plea deal would be a waste of tax payer money and if they were to offer this deal, I would prefer they drop the case altogether. Looks like the re-trial of O.J Simpson. Guilty=Freedom

at 9:55 PM, June 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with the first post here. A deal was made, and everyone should abide by it. This is an undermining of the protection of law that should not be tolerated in our society. This has nothing to so with amy baker- it has to do with fairness under the law.

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