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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The potential price of not buckling up

When you have a 15-year-old daughter who can't wait to drive -- she knows the exact date in 2008 when she can start -- stories like today's piece on this accident in Colerain Township chill you.

"Three teens were trapped inside the car with the lifeless bodies of their two friends as they waited for emergency crews to rescue them," wrote Enquirer reporters Quan Truong and Cliff Radel. The photo shows twisted metal that used to be a car. Miraculously, three of the five in the car survived, including the two boys in the front seat.

Well, maybe it wasn't so miraculous. Both the boys were wearing seat belts. The deceased girls weren't. Perhaps it wouldn't have made a difference, but that seems unlikely.

So, I'm thinking about this and watching the "Today" show this morning. Matt Lauer is interviewing presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the back seat of a moving car. Neither man is wearing a seat belt. This is only weeks after New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine was nearly killed in a crash because he wasn't wearing a belt. Lauer apologizes after the piece and reads a statement from the Romney campaign. The gist: Sometimes Mitt forgets. Click here to see the interview.

What was everyone involved thinking, particularly following Corzine's accident? It's so stupid, I immediately wonder if Romney has the judgment skills to make the decisions a president has to make. And I think about how my wife and I have to constantly remind some of my daughter's friends to buckle up. If you're a regular seat-belt user, you know that forgetting to buckle is as unlikely as not turning on the ignition key.

Don't tell me belts aren't cool, or they bother you, or that it's a matter of your individual liberty. Here's how I feel at this moment: I want police to start ticketing every single car they see where people aren't wearing seat belts. I want the parents of these 14-year-old girls in Colerain Township to not have to bury their daughters.


at 9:57 AM, May 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Dennis Hetzel.
We should outlaw all alcohol. People die from abusively drinking alcohol and from bad decision making under its influence.
We should outlaw all biggie sized meals. We should outlaw overeating at buffet restaurants. Fat people die too soon.
We should outlaw all pleasure rock climbing, bungee jumping, parachute jumping, etc. People die from these risky recreation choices.
We should mandate colon exams for every 50+ year old, once per year. Too many die from lack of an anal exam and undetected colon cancer.

I'm with Dennis Hetzel on this one. We know what is best for you! No one should have to die from poor choices they freely make.

at 2:33 PM, May 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guessing anonymous doesn't have any kids. (or he just don't like them)
A little human compassion can go a long way in this world.

at 9:55 PM, May 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:33pm is wrong. I require my children to wear belts. Dennis suggested mandating seat belt use for EVERYONE.

I agree that 18 year olds and under should be mandated to wear a seat belt and adult drivers should require their underage passengers to wear belts.

As adults we have rights of informed consent and choice. But Liberals can't read, comprehend, and understand this distinction.

But this won't stop liberals from guess work and knowing what is best for all.

at 10:26 AM, May 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't want to hear that this is a civil liverty issue? The problem is that it IS a civil liberty issue. I think you are a moron if you don't wear a seatbelt, but if you choose not to (assuming you are of age) and fly through your windshield you aren't affecting anyone but yourself, so you should be able to if you want.

at 11:09 AM, May 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals and their intellectually superior policies should not be held accountable for the consequences of their action. Because Liberal intentions are what matter most, not the negative impacts of their misguided ventures.

at 10:58 PM, May 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, I'm so confused. So there two little girls were Liberals? Or the children of Liberals? Or is the person who says the law about seat belts should be enforced...is the guy saying follow the law a iberal, or are the cops Liberals for enforcin it?

Frankly, what do Liberals have to do with ANY of this? Good Lord, two little girls died! Stick to the topic!

at 6:36 AM, June 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say...."A little human compassion can go a long way in this world".

Interesting, when your 'compassion' becomes another government infringement of our civil rights as individuals and adults.

Yet, the compassionate crowd knows best when it is right to raise taxes, confiscate private property for eminent domain, confiscate inheritance for wealth transfer to the poor, foster junk science for their political environmental activism, support foreign socialist dictatorships, dumb down our educational system so know students or parents feelings are hurt, allow uncontrolled illegal immigration because foreigners are humans too, etc.

It never ends with the compassionate crowd, supporting their socialist activism causes in exchange for your lost of civil liberties.

at 9:25 AM, June 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To confused Anon 10:58 PM.
Dennis Hetzel succinctly proposed enforcing seat belt wearing as mandatory for EVERYONE, including adults. This is the topic. Pandering to sympathies by you about the death of children does not strengthen or divert Hetzel's argument that EVERYONE should be pulled over who is not wearing a seat belt. Do you understand Hetzel's comments yet?

If you know how EVERYONE (including adults) should decide what decisions to make when exercising individual freedoms, rights, and choices, pertaining to informed ADULT behavior, please step forward and IDENTIFY WHO YOU ARE. I will then ADDRESS you as you choose, be it Liberal or whatever.

at 10:38 AM, June 01, 2007 Blogger Dennis Hetzel said...

Thanks for all the good postings here. Here's where I'm coming from on the civil liberties argument: First, I believe operating a vehicle on a public highway is a privilege, not a right. That's why we have driver's licenses and other "rules of engagement" to regulate what we can and can't do in a vehicle. Secondly, when someone dies or gets hurt in a crash, it's not just that individual who suffers. An obvious example is how medical treatment of severe injuries contributes to the health insurance costs we all pay. If that person is uninsured or poor, we all pay for it directly as taxpayers. Still, I would say that if you want to drive around on your land without wearing a belt, that's your choice. A public highway is a different situation. Shouldn't drivers be responsible to see that they and all passengers are belted, just as they're required not to drive drunk?

at 1:59 PM, June 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis, at least I give you credit for defending your posting. Most of your contemporaries at the Enquirer neglect to engage.

You conveniently presented one side of the argument, which supports mandatory pulling over ALL who don’t wear a seatbelt.

However, you neglected to point out obvious counterpoints to your logic:
- Motorcycle drivers are not required to wear helmets. Helmets save lives as seat belts do too. If car operation is a privilege so is motorcycle driving. Allow mandatory seatbelt wearing today and then, mandatory helmet wearing within a car tomorrow will follow.
- Your fiscal argument is lame and incomplete. But to indulge you, many non-seatbelt wearers who die prematurely have paid into social security for years. They die without directly withdrawing money on retirement (ignore the spouse benefit specifics). This is good for the rest of us. Further, once a noninsured person or poor person dies, we no longer pay for their welfare. See how lame this fiscal argument is of yours?
- You are required to not drive drunk because it impairs your driving skills. I’ve never heard the argument that not wearing a seatbelt impairs your driving skills.

Bottom Line: Wearing seatbelts is a good safety measure. It should be required by all underage (non adults) within an operating vehicle. However, an adult performing with informed consent should be able to decide for herself if she wants to wear a seatbelt.

What you are willing to dictate as a responsibility can be a burden to others. You and big brother (government) do not know what is always best! Some of us are willing to take responsibility for our own actions.

at 10:00 PM, June 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

reading these posts, I am evermore convinced that Cincinnati is populated by idiots. Can we please once talk about the subject instead of having to listen to the normal Cincinnati "loberal " Bashing.!

at 12:12 PM, June 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree.

When you ride on a ride at an amusement park, adult or child, you are forced to wear a seatbelt for your protection. Period. You don't like it, get off the ride.

When you fly in a plane, they force you to fasten a seat belt (and I'm not even 'driving') and if you don't do it, you're off the plane.

I've seen what happens to idiots who don't wear helmets on motorcycles. Brain salad is not pretty, smells even worse and certainly stresses my public tax dollars paying for Drake Hospital to try and piece the jerk back together. Oh yeah, you're such a smart responsible adult, ooohhhh.

So, if you want to bypass the laws in place for your safety and protection, be my guest. BUT you should be forced to assume financial reponsibility for your medical bills and the medical bills of anyone you hurt, out of your own pocket, for being an idiot with no regard for your safety. You want to fly out of a car and splash on the sidewalk? YOU pay for the clean up. I'm not. I follow the law, buckle up, and I've got no problem following that rule as an adult. I'm showing children everywhere to respect the rule of law, and to be intelligent with their life, not some knee-jerk reactionary who thinks every rule contains a conspiracy.

at 8:22 AM, June 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sympathetic comments do not always make for reasoned logic.

Airplane operators and amusement park riders require seatbelt use for safety and LIABILITY PROTECTION protection. Its sad when "do-gooders" resort to such twisted illogic.

Why don't you geniuses with the best of intentions require a HELMET to be worn by all automobile occupants? More lives would be saved? Please answer.

at 8:42 AM, June 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10pm Please learn to read and keep up with the running written discussion.

The topic is "Mandating Seatbelt wearing by all (ADULT) car occupants and pulling over violators on this basis alone versus our loss of Civil Liberties."

Very sad how ignorant and stupid some posters present their arguments.

at 3:16 PM, June 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'll tell you this. If you worked for me, I'd fire you. Yes, for your attitude. It is MANDATORY for citizens of this country to OBEY THE LAW. You're the type of person who would steal from me because you felt you had the personal right to MY profits!

We have speed limits for a reason. The seat belts are there for a reaso. My liability insurance goes through the freaking roof when I hire idiots like you who are practically unbondable. If you have auto insurance, it should be cancelled; the rest of us are not paying for your stupidity on the streets and you're jacking up our premiums. Be self-insured. Get your own lliability policy and pay out of your pocket for your damages, like the earlier dude said. Oh, and no life insurance for you either, since you are too big of a risk. And, if you work for me, I'll fire you in a hot instant if you're in one of my company cars without your seatbelt fastened.

Now, stick that in your civil liberty pipe and see how high it gets you.

at 9:36 AM, June 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 3:16 PM. Thank you for pointing out that exercise of ones civil liberties has consequences and personal responsibilities for each individual.

The mandatory seat belt law should be changed; or mandatory Helmet wearing by all passengers and driver should be dictated and written into law by your supporters.

Please explain why Helmets should not be mandated for ALL car occupants if seat belt wearing is mandated. And then back to the original Post by Dennis, are you prepared to be pulled over by the police for not wearing your Helmet?

at 1:11 PM, June 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16 PM is typical of those who know best for ALL.

Please look up the definition of "Civil Disobedience".

Further, your condescention does not intimidate most. You could not afford to hire my services. But Master, you are free to push your slave workers around as you please, for those willing to be owned by you.

at 11:22 AM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who ever nailed the 3:16PM poster..Amen.

I want to learn if he/she is willing to wear a helmet mandated by law while driving his/her car. Loud mouths want their way for the rest of us, until you cross their personal lines of civil liberties.

As a female, I hate wearing a seat belt when sitting next to a leering male passenger that is staring at the seat belt's accentuation of my amble breasts. However, when I drive my children, you can bet I wear my belt as a good example and make my kids wear one too.

at 11:52 AM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cars have rollbars and other safety measures built in. There is metal surrounding you, for the most part. Motorcycles don't have that.

Helmets for car drivers is a joke at best, and the argument has no merit, is ridiculous and shows the desperate lengths some will go to just to get their way.

Helmets for motorcyclists is a different matter. Would they have saved any of the 5 people on motorcycles who died this past weekend? We'll never know; none of the victims had them on.

I'm a busty woman too, but I wear my seatbelt. I have a middle finger for leering pig-men, and it works. So does yelling out the window to the guy's wife (when she's present) to watch her man. Trust me, I've embarrassed many, but hey, keep your eyes on the road and you won't get busted!

at 3:50 PM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see NASCAR and Formula 1 have roll bars, cages, you name it. Somehow those idiots think helmets help them save lives too. Go figure. Guess the race drivers just wear them helmets for styling.

Consistency in your argument may aid your credibility. But dodging logical bullets and displaying a lack of rationale, shows intellect weakness and the lack of merit for your argument.

at 8:45 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:52 you obviously are not a safety design engineer. As you tumble around within a rolling metal box "car cage" as you experience a wreck, your head is banging against whatever it comes into contact with.

Metal (secured and broken loose) smacking your head at 20-80 mph can be lethal. There is a reason why 100% of race car drivers wear helmets.

at 8:56 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good Liberal never allows the "laws of physics", millions of years of earth’s recorded history within rocks and ice, and most facts to get in the way of their arguments for selective application of individual-freedom-robbing laws, global warming nonsense, supporting the welfare state, supporting public education institutions, and their other latest Liberal causes.

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