KY election reflections

Ernie Fletcher
Bill Clinton might have to give up his Comeback Kid title. Key Republicans, including NKY's own Jim Bunning, were mouthing last rites for Gov. Ernie Fletcher as his popularity sank amid an ethics mess that was of Fletcher's own making, despite protestations to the contrary. Memo to Democrats for general election: Fletcher won't be as easy to beat as you think.
What does it mean to NKY? If re-elected, Fletcher will remember that he owes the region for a lot of support. He'll continue to support local projects, but it's time for political courage as well as a big checkbook. I will expect both Fletcher and Democratic nominee Steve Beshear to commit to real leadership on two major issues. First is the urgent need to tackle the state's unfair formula for school funding. Second is the need for Kentucky to do more to make sure the Brent Spence Bridge project gets funded someway, somehow.
Attorney General
You'll never find a sharper contrast between two candidates than Republican Stan Lee and Democrat Jack Conway. Lee, a state rep from Lexington, is a social conservative for whom the word "zealot" might fit. Conway is a trial lawyer (boo, hiss) with union backing. These two already are taking shots at each other. One blog poster noted this morning that the GOP probably will paint Conway as someone ready to sanction marriage between animals and people. And the Dems will make Lee look like the leader of the Christian Taliban. This race could be X-rated on the negativity scale.
Lost in the shuffle will be the importance of the attorney general's office. Under KY law, not only does this large department defend criminal convictions and protect consumers, it's the guardian of your right to know, reviewing complaints about violations of open records and open meetings laws.
State Treasurer
OK, normally you wouldn't care, but Republican Melinda Wheeler appears to have won her party's nomination by about 1,000 votes after campaigning on a platform to abolish the office as an outmoded job with duties that can be readily absorbed by other state agencies. That sounds like a discussion worth having. The runner-up, State Rep. Lonnie Napier says he will ask for a re-canvass of votes.
(Stan) Lee, a state rep from Lexington, is a social conservative for whom the word "zealot" might fit.
"Might"? I think the word you're looking for is "does."
Mr Hetzel, you should be embarrassed by the Republican bias in this post.
Ernie Fletcher -- Gets a nice picture posted. Referred to as the "Comeback Kid." He'll "support local projects." This section of the post is headed not by the office ("Governor"), as the Attorney General and State Treasurer sections are, but by the words "Ernie Fletcher".
Steve Beshear -- Name mentioned once. Described merely as "Democratic nominee." No mention of Beshear's stunning (and unexpected) ability to achieve 40% in a field of six candidates.
Also, Jack Conway gets a "boo, hiss"; and Republican runner-up Lonnie Napier (one) gets more mentions than Democratic winner Todd Hollenbach (zero).
Could you at least try to give the Democrats a fair shake before your October endorsements?
Congrats to Beshear and his friends in the press that squashed all stories regarding Beshear's corruption!
The biggest political comeback last night was Ernie Fletcher. Congrats to Ernie Fletcher for overcoming and the republican voters for seeing right through the underhanded tricks the press, and blogs, has pulled against Ernie Fletcher from the moment he creamed Ben Chandler in 2003!
Tuesday night showed that the Republicans realized a long time ago that the witch-hunt against Ernie Fletcher was lop sided and facts were intentionally being distorted by the press, blogs and by elected democrats.
The Republicans knew, even though the press intentionally never mentioned, that democratic governors had fired non-merit & merit employees and put in their own political backers for 30 years before Fletcher ever even got to Frankfort.
Not only were the democrats doing their best from the moment Fletcher won in 2003 to discredit and defame Ernie Fletcher the so-called journalists and malevolent bloggers in this state, aided the democrats in the propaganda to destroy Fletcher's future in politics. All the while the democrats and the so-called political reporters in this state, and abhorrent bloggers refused to print that all the democratic governors before Fletcher had done the exact same thing they accused Fletcher of doing.
In fact, I don't recall reading anything about the massive firings of merit & non-merit employees under John Y. Brown, Jr (D) while the then Attorney General Beshear (D) looked the other way.
The Republicans voting realized that the press was happy as long as merit employees were losing their jobs to other democrats in past democratic administrations. But once the Republicans realized that many of those democrats that had been "GIVEN" jobs by past democratic administrations were incompetent -- the press got upset and blew the story way out of proportion.
Apparently all those embellished stories from the press and blogs including those witty clichés like, unelectable, were a waste of ink and energy from the press and blogs.
Ernie Fletcher won by a HUGE margin overcoming all the political odds that the democrats and their friends in the press & blogs tried to rail-road Ernie with.
I hope the press has at least learned the stories they keep printing regarding the alleged firing scandal didn't work, won't work, and begin a new leaf of real reporting without the obvious, blatant bias.
Congrats again to Ernie Fletcher for overcoming many odds.
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