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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Road rage, sports rage and now yard rage

What makes human beings willing to give up everything that's valuable to them to settle a score? When did people become so inept at discussion, negotiation, calm reasoning that the only way they know to resolve a conflict is for somebody to die?

A Clermont County jury doesn't have to answer these tough questions when it decides the fate of Charles Martin. All they have to determine is if the 67-year-old Batavia resident shot his 15-year-old neighbor after exchanging profanities with the boy and threatening him for walking across Martin's lawn. Police say Martin waited more than three hours for Larry Mugrage Jr. to return home and then killed him with two blasts of a shotgun.

Martin's lawyer blames it on "systematic harassment of an old man," and perhaps bad blood on both sides played into the tragedy. But when did human beings become so devoid of inner discipline or moral sanctions that they couldn't turn their cheek to youthful rudeness and simply let a bad moment pass by?

His attorney said Martin waited all his life to purchase his modest home, and was particular about it and his yard. If he is convicted of aggravated murder, he won't return to it for at least 20 years.

What breeds rage so great that it consumes the very things people like Charles Martin hold dear?


at 5:25 PM, April 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is bred from the complete and utter hedonism of our culture. And from kids who respect no one, who are afraid of no one, who give a damn about no one.

When I was a kid, we respected, feared adults. Now, they spit on them.

at 9:27 PM, April 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although the kid was probably a first-class jerk, anyone who mows their lawn five times a week and values grass more than human beings is a few tacos short of a full plate.

at 3:38 PM, April 29, 2007 Blogger Kevin LeMaster said...

"What breeds rage so great that it consumes the very things people like Charles Martin hold dear?"

An illogical sense of entitlement.

at 2:23 AM, May 04, 2007 Blogger Unknown said...

Obviously you readers did not know Larry or you would not be talking about him the way you are. He was not a "first-class jerk, he did respect adults and he did give a damn about people. Martin didn't want to call the police because he knew there was nothing going on. BTW, he never spit on anyone either. What is wrong with you people? You make a snap judgement and that's it? Larry was a great kid but to people like you, who have your mind made up it really doesn't matter does it? Your really narrow minded people like Charles Martin. Go live on a private island by yourself where you will be alone with no kids and no neighbors, maybe then you'd all be happy.

at 3:25 PM, May 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like Larry was not taught to respect other people's property. When my son was 12, he threw a piece of paper out the car window. I stopped the car, made him get out, walk back up the street and pick up the paper. I never had that problem again. On the other hand, no one's yard is worth someone's life. I'll bet there was something else going on between these neighbors.

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