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Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Marcus case: The forgotten victims

Hate will not bring Marcus back. Nothing we can do will bring Marcus back. Hate cannot even serve the justice that is desperately needed in this case. Yet, when we read the comments on almost every story about the tragedy of Marcus Feisel and its case, hate is the leading and common denominator. With Liz Carroll found guilty, David Carroll to go on trial in March and God only knows the justice that will be served to Amy Baker, there are four other young victims of this horrific tragedy that are almost totally being forgotten amidst this hate: the Carrolls' own children.

Almost immediately being taken away from the Carrolls and placed into foster care themselves, they have become invisible. Though we all hope and pray that they are being far better foster-cared than innocent young Marcus, it is inevitable that Liz and David must feel some sense of turmoil and irony knowing the frightful way in which they departed from young Marcus, taken by them for foster care.

As we hear or read Liz and now Liz’s mother share their emotions and anguish over wanting to save "Liz’s own babies," anyone with children can understand this pain and anguish. It is bound to be multiplied manifold knowing from their personal experience and treatment of Marcus by the Carrolls and Baker, that there are really people out there who will be ruthless, heartless and completely selfish when it comes to the care of young babies taken for foster care.

Maybe it is already past time for the family of Liz and David to curtail their agonizing over Liz and David and perhaps take some proactive and constructive actions to protect and care for the helpless four young remaining victims.

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at 1:19 AM, February 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

But do we really think that the families that raised these selfish monsters should have much contact with these wounded children?

I don't know that any of them deserve a second chance at raising children - maybe strictly overseen grandparenting - but care- no wayNice insight

at 8:31 AM, February 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or how about the the victims that the Enquirer made? The jurors. Callinan "reasoning" for giving their names in today's paper was a joke. Just admit you screwed up.

at 9:47 AM, February 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mental health and instability of both the Carrolls and Liz's family cannot be ignored and must be monitored and helped for any such care of children to be provided. At the same time, the kids are going to be so scarred for life they deperately need continuity and connection to whatever remains of a real family they deserve to have.

at 9:56 AM, February 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz's Mom and David's Mom are still convinced that their kids are INNOCENT! Why would you want them taking care of their grandkids? They're obviously as crazy as Liz and David!

The kids' best chance of survival is getting as far away from this "family" as possible. Let's hope that there are some loving foster parents out there that will give them a good home and maybe their life will get better.

at 10:50 AM, February 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a mother of a mildly Autistic child, it took me a very hard time to not "hate" the Carrolls as well as Amy Baker. Though I can forgive ...I can never forget and neither should anyone! The Carroll's children will hopefully find some peace in their lives in their new foster homes...These children need to get help mentally, psychological, etc. and most importantly as far as possible from their parents.

at 2:57 PM, February 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with poster 1:19am. Liz Carroll’s mother forfeited her right and demonstrated by her reaction in court, that she is not worthy to care for the four Carroll children. I can not make a blanket condemnation of all the Carroll's adult relatives because I do not know them.

However, too often foster care and legal guardianship of children is viewed as a "meal ticket". The Anna Nicole Smith case demonstrates this as her mother comes out of the woodworking to claim custodianship of Anna's baby. My suspicion is for the millions in trust money that will follow this baby.

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