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Monday, February 19, 2007

Let 'em fry -- or freeze?

City prosecutors are making a good call in rethinking their decision to bar a sexual offender from a homeless shelter because it is within 1,000 feet of a school.

Larry Winslow, homeless for five years and suffering from walking pneumonia, feared he could die in the cold if he couldn't stay at the Drop Inn Center in Over-the-Rhine. He sued in federal court and initially city prosecutors appeared unwilling to budge. Now they're letting Winslow spend nights at the shelter temporarily and say they'll try to find a longer term solution.

It's not coddling sex offenders to offer them the simple human decency of a place to come in out of the cold.

Winslow deserved to be punished for his crime and to be labeled a sexual offender -- he was convicted of the sexual battery of two adult prostitutes in the 1990s. But his crimes were not committed against children, and denying him a night's stay at a shelter -- when students aren't in school -- hardly keeps children safer. Winslow's presence in a supervised shelter is a more secure arrangement than forcing him to sleep on the streets.

At some point communities across this nation are going to have to get real about dealing with sexual offenders. The bans and boundaries and fantasy "1,000-foot limits" are gut-reaction solutions to a complex problem that most policymakers and most of us really know little about. Much as we all hate this issue, somebody's going to have to get close enough to it to figure out what really works -- or what responsible, long-term solutions to put in place if nothing works.

Meanwhile, by treating offenders in flagrantly inhumane ways and labeling them as monsters, we run the danger of becoming one ourselves.


at 9:42 PM, February 19, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

You're right. We have become worse monsters than those we persecute. We have been taught to fear everything and to hate everything we fear, because that is how politicians gain control of us. They inflame our passions, then satisfy our "blood lust" by passing tough laws to show that they are taking good care of us.

Mr Winslow's circumstances are a perfect example of the unfair consequences of such ridiculous discriminatory legislation.
He is truly a victim here. We permit murderers, drug dealers and thieves to ENTER the schools, and Mr. Winslow may die because he can't get shelter within 1,000 ft of a school? It's absurd!

Hate is a cancer on the soul, and knee-jerk responses such as this law are the result. The law is certainly unconstitutional, and should be struck down as such.

at 11:57 PM, February 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take him in your home, then, or work your tail off to find him decent housing. I'm sure there is a social service agancy that can place him in a safe place, away from a school, somewhere in this community.

You paint the extreme argument in order to make your point. Emotionally well-validated, but intellectually disingenuous.

Do some research on a man named Ray Neimer and you will see the effect a "rehabilitated" sex offender can have on a community.

By the way, how far is 312 Elm from the nearest school ?

at 11:09 AM, February 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me a monster too then! I don't care if he freezes to death. If he's warm, does he commit more crimes?

The world would be a much better place if people like Winslow didn't exist. With all the freaky people coming out of the woodwork and all the predators being captured on Dateline, one less freak would be greatly appreciated.

at 3:28 PM, February 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bleeding hearts on this page can take this piece of garbage into their homes to live with them and their kids any day. You might feel less compassionate if the victims were your sisters or daughters. But the victims are now nameless faceless hookers so they don’t count right? They mean nothing but the guy that tried to kill them lets all weep for him. What has Mr. Winslow done to deserve any sympathy? Has he apologized, has he asked these women to forgive him? Probably not.
We are hardly WORSE then those we prosecute that is the most pathetic commentary I’ve ever heard. We don’t stone women for going outside without a male family member. Society has a right to protect itself and government has an obligation to protect its law-abiding citizens. “Blood lust”? How about justice for the victims, how about justice for the rest of us knowing garbage like this is either locked up or destroyed.
Hate is a cancer on the soul? No, raping and beating two women… let me rephrase that: raping and beating your daughter half to death is the cancer, this guy being inconvenienced cause he can’t stay in a shelter near a school is hardly paying for his crime.

at 8:43 PM, February 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow, there's a lot of hateful people on this blog. I feel sorry for you people who "don't care if he freezes to death." You all sound like you belong in some despotic third-world country. Here in the USA we treat our criminals humanely.

Go ahead and call me a "bleeding heart". If Jesus Christ himself was here, you'd call him names too.

at 9:12 PM, February 20, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

Yes,hookers count.Winslow got his punishment, went to jail, served his time and was released. He paid for what he did.
If he had killed your daughter while DUI, he would have gone through the same process. You pay your debt to society and go on.
If he had stabbed a nun in a robbery, same thing.
But because s-e-x was involved, suddenly it's worse than murder. Please explain to me just why that is.He did not harm children, nor did anyone die, so why isn't he fit to live?
Get a grip, and try to reclaim a sense of humanity.

at 10:53 PM, February 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical Conservative hypocrisy-- "Instead of taking sexual molestation seriously and locking these guys up for life, let's just let'em out and pretend we care about protecting children by not letting them live within 1000 feet of a school." Your gift, dear Taxpayer, from your friendly Republican dinosaurs in the state legislature.

at 4:02 AM, February 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Mr Wood, hating child molestors motivates and galvanizes those who have everything to gain or lose. As a parent who has young children, it's not "persecution" but self-defense. "Freedom of" and "freedom from" are direct opposites here. The freedom of my children to play and grow and mingle with their peers, free from sexual deviates who would have their way with them and destroy their very childhood with their sick actions far outweighs the sex offenders' "freedom" of movement or freedom from "unfair" typecasting.

Murderers, drug dealers, thieves, and child molesters should be as unwelcome in our community as bigotry, prejudice, starvation, and violence.

What good is freedom if we are supposed to behave as meek sheep to predatory wolves like Ray Niemer, Winslow, David Kelley, etc. ???

The best way to protect yourself from becoming a victim of crime is to uproot the criminal at the source. Wishing away the problem with well-meaning but ill-advised "compassion" only enables the predator easier access to its prey.

at 8:07 AM, February 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh good God, I feel like a broken record...

The difference between a sex crime and, let's say, a murder...is that the sexual assaulter will most likely offend again! Unless you're a serial killer, other murders take place in the moment or is a "passion" crime.

I, by the way, wouldn't call Jesus Christ names. He's innocent. This man is not.

It just scares me that so many people are willing to defend a SEXUAL PREDATOR. When you lay with the dogs....

Like someone mentioned above...if you want this man to be warm and cozy, invite him to YOUR house! But...you wouldn't want that, would you? It's much easier to be indignant from afar!

at 9:59 AM, February 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the last 2 posts, its pretty self evident why the crime problem in this area has gotten worse. If the John Woods and anon 10:53s of the world felt the same ire towards violent felons, rapists, and street thugs that they do towards conservatives, Republicans, and those of us who actually FIGHT crime by turning in criminals (like the ATM robber in West Price Hill last night), maybe we could live more humanely and safely. It would be wonderful to not fear the advances of that "stranger" approaching us on the street with a story and a request for money ( and perhaps a gun or knife hidden beneath.) I would enjoy the freedom to lock my doors if I choose, to allow my kids to play at any park in the city, at any time, without looking over my shoulder as to who is watching them. Sadly, many tolerate crime by blaming the system, the government, even the victims themselves, rather than allowing scofflaws the consequences of their actions.

Given the world as it has proven to be, criminals must be confronted and taken out of society: rehabilitation is a process that may or may not occur in prison. Those who think criminals are "just like you and me" and "good people doing bad things" have their hearts and minds in a utopia that doesn't exist and will never exist, except in the minds of the John D Woods of the world.

at 12:27 PM, February 21, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

Did you notice that only one commenter other than me actually spoke to the point you were making? The rest are so consumed with fear and bile that they just can't see what you were trying to say.The whole gamut from coddling criminals to protecting child molesters.Oh,well-I know a lost cause when I see it.Why don't they all go find this guy and kill him before the pneumonia does? Then maybe they'll sleep better.

at 12:34 PM, February 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

(8:43 PM, February 20, 2007 Anonymous said...)
Anon, why is it that when someone disagrees with a liberal, Jesus always comes up? Heres a question Who would Stalin murder? Whose income would MARX take away?
As though name dropping Jesus is supposed to shut us up? Pull your head out of your butt and quit qouting bumper stickers. Liberals would vilify Jesus because he preached absolutes something a liberal can’t tolerate. You remember those: thou shall not kill, steal, commit adultery, have graven images, you get the idea. Call him names, hardly. Unlike the average liberal I’d let him in my schools. God knows we could use it.
Hateful people? No what we'd like is to see violent offenders severely punished for what they do and remove them from society. The majorities of us obey the laws, respect our fellow citizens and just want to be left alone. We finance a government to take these people out of our midst and we wish they would follow thru and quit releasing them back among us. We get sick of being told WE are hateful, uncompassionate when the reality is YOU are hateful and despicable in your contempt for those who believe their lives and well being are more important than the comfort of a violent offender.
Your compassion would end today if this guy moved in next door to you. You and JohnWoods instead of holding these people accountable would rather spout platitudes(hes done his time etc), hope these monsters dont come after you then to make your selves feel good by pouncing on the people that defend you from them.

at 1:43 PM, February 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

at 12:27 PM, February 21, 2007 JohnDWoodSr said...
Did you notice that....

Oh JohnDwoodsr, your pathetic appeal to Krista sounds like the kid whining to the teacher that she forgot to give out homework assignments.

at 4:37 PM, February 21, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

What would Jesus do? I dunno. But he might give him a blanket, a cup of hot ramen-noodles and forgive him his sins. Or he might castrate him with a broken bottle. I guess Jesus is a reflection of each of us individuals.

at 9:27 PM, February 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If every county in the United States passed a law banning sexual offenders, which is the more likely outcome?

A) There will be no more sexual predators ever again

B) Sexual predators will be driven underground, making it far more difficult to know where they are and more likely that they will offend again

I would argue the answer is B. But I'm no expert.

By the way, I would be curious to know if you people have the same level of hatred for Paul Cortez as you do for Larry Winslow. Would you be OK with torturing him with hot pokers? Maybe throwing him to the lions? How inhumane is too inhumane for you folks? I'm just wondering where you draw the line.

at 11:07 AM, February 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

alter or abolish said...
What would Jesus do? I dunno. But he might give him a blanket, a cup of hot ramen-noodles and forgive him his sins. Or he might castrate him with a broken bottle. I guess Jesus is a reflection of each of us individuals.

wow, that actually made me sit up straight. well put.

at 9:40 AM, February 24, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

Yeah, solorunner. I'm all philosophical like that. I'm counting on your vote in '08, pal.

at 12:14 AM, March 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about taking the old/closed CPS school buildings and making them homeless shelters for paroled sex offenders ? Maybe "johnwoodsr" or "alter or abolish" could be the headmaster of the "new school" for paroled or released felons.

at 3:37 PM, March 14, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

Hey anon@12:14 AM, March 04

How's about I take you down to Fountain Square and decapitate you hmm?

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