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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Pay to play

Has the mother of a Newport Middle School student invented a new low in pay-to-play?

Sherry Herzner has been charged with hosting a slumber party at her home, where she allegedly collected money from seven teenagers, then bought vodka and converted the event into a drinking party. A 14-year-old girl, afraid of another girl who wanted to fight, blew the whistle on the drink-and-drown when she called her mother to come and rescure her.

A Newport police officer lamented that some parents think they are doing kids a favor by serving alcohol at home to give them the experience in a controlled environment. But aren't adults' motives rendered questionable and any thread of responsibility shredded the instant they start downing the alcohol themselves? Police found Herzner "highly intoxicated."


at 10:07 PM, January 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to put this is print - but, I'm one of those parents who believes that drinking alcohol -like driving, studying, working, behavior- is something that needs to be taught at home.
Ugh - I said it.
I have maybe one alcoholic beverage a year - but my family and friends have some serious cases of alcoholism in them - andthe way we introduce alcohol to kids just doesn't seem to be working.
I needed to try a new approach. So far, it's working - none of my adult children have any fixation on going out "to drink" . Drinking is merely a collateral activity to some other entertainment activity. Never the focus of the night.

at 10:09 PM, January 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

noone has ever told parents how to introduce respnsible drinking to our children - like abstinence works, abstinence kills and causes binge drinking

Where's the psychologists and social workers on this issue

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