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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

No longer looking for Mr. Right?

According to Census numbers, the majority of American women now live without a husband. It's a huge cultural shift from the 1950s, when two-thirds of women were married, and life as a single female wasn't seen as desirable or even necessarily appropriate.

A thousand research projects have probably been kicked up by this statistic and even more marketing campaigns set in motion. Retailers are trying to predict what kind of buying patterns and lifestyle decisions this phenomenon will trigger. Sociologists are studying its impact on the family and the workplace.

But as experts consider how prepared society is for all these single women, females themselves need to think about how prepared they are to be single long term.

Yes, many women will marry at some time in their lives, but the Census numbers suggest they are marrying later, living longer as widows, choosing to raise children on their own and delaying remarriage. The single life is no longer a handful of years following high school or college. It's an extended period for many women, and a permanent state for others.

That means that girls should grow up expecting to be able to provide for themselves, manage their own finances, think long-term about a career, have the skills to maintain a house or apartment, build their own social network, plan for their own retirement. Right now, some grow up that way, and some don't. Families can begin building those competencies in even very young girls.

Independence and life skills are essential for single women -- and only come as a benefit for those who do decide to marry.


at 10:12 AM, January 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at this issue from a different angle. Considering that more than half of the current crop of marrying age men and women has witnessed their childhoods destroyed by the divorce and child support industry they are likely deciding the risk of marrying is not worth the cost, financially or emotionally. If women are single by choice, more power too them, the reality is neither side really “needs” the other. I would argue that many women are single because their value has been cheapened over the last 30 years (are women really cherished and adored anymore?) and; men have figured out that they don’t need to marry to get the benefits of marriage. Very few men after witnessing what was done to their fathers in divorce courts over the last 30 years are willing to risk financial ruin, loss of their children and handing over 2/3 of their life’s work to an ex spouse. Men today know full well what awaits them in a marriage and what will befall them if divorce takes place and in most cases he loses, why risk it?

at 2:15 PM, January 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know that it's the fear of divorce that drives men not to marry so much as there's no incentive to do it anymore. Women give away the milk for free, get an abortion easily if something goes wrong (leaving men with no responsibilites AGAIN) and as a society, we've said, "Hey, it's cool if you're a man and you wear a pink shirt." NO, not cool.

Men aren't men. They have no desire to provide, nuture or protect women anymore, if we need it or not. Of course, we don't NEED it but it's nice to have it offered every once in a while.

AND, we live in an age that being enternally youthful is worshipped. Why would a 38 yr. old man marry a 30 year old woman when he can have a 21 year old woman do whatever he wants and he can trade her in for a newer model in 5 years? Hence, no incentive.

Plus, as a society, we've degraded marriage to a point that it's no longer a sacred vow. People divorce because they're having a bad week with their spouse, because they're just not "happy" or because they've found someone new. (aka, more exciting than changing diapers.)

You just have to ask yourself what you're going to regret more on your deathbed. All of that work that you never got to...or that family that you never had.

at 1:26 AM, January 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

FACT: After a divorce the proportion of family wealth goes to the man - women and children live in or near poverty.
While dad buys anew corvette or motorcycle - mom is still raising the kids in almost 50% of the cases , alone with little visitation time with dear old dad. Furthermore, women who are divorced , when they reach retirement age - are living at a much lesser standard of living than their ex spouses

THe days of men being hanged in divorce court is very, very rare - the courts have severely limited alimony awards and the time they go for.
One thing's for sure - states have devaluized families while crying family values through there adoption of family un-friendly laws and through divorce and child support constraints.

at 3:12 PM, January 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous: I’ve been through it and you’ve lost your mind. I didn’t go out and buy a vette I was nearly bankrupted. I built a house before meeting her that she attempted to take and I lived in a rat hole apartment the size of my former garage, for years.
The bulk of my income vaporized after the divorce she asked for. Savings I had accumulated for years before even meeting her was taken and given to her. Divorces are filed 80% of the time by women and in 90% of the cases women get custody. Most fathers hope to stay in some form of contact with their children. I have yet to hear the term DEADBEAT MOM but it applies wholesale to men, we lose our children overwhelmingly in the feminized family courts and non-custodial fathers are treated like felons in child support issues. Your "dear old dad" comment demonstrates what a condescending jerk you really are and that you’ve bought the lie that men have no concern for their children and just want an out. Do your homework and find the suicide stats on divorced men it’ll make your head spin. You try to be an influence and role model in your kids lives when you see them 2 weekends a month and a few hours mid week. You’ve committed NO crime but your children are taken from you as though you’re a child killer. Your rights to due process do. not. exist. in family courts. Your facts are not only wrong they're propaganda. I would hazard your not a man whose been dragged through a divorce in the last 20 years. You can bet your bottom dollar my kids have witnessed everything, and they know quite well what marriage and a divorce court will do to them. They know how they lived and how they live now and someday they are going to want answers. The answer is getting married is a crock and getting divorced will cost YOU not her.
That is why men wont marry and why 51% of women are single.

at 10:49 PM, January 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

solorunner- I am an advocate who has worked on behalf of men in divorce and child support cases - I am one of few out there, and have been cited in newspapers across the state speaking out for men's rights - correction - children's rights to their fathers. Whether it means standing up for the dad or the mom depending on the childrens needs.
Solorunner - there is nothing more important than a fathers daily interaction with their children - in almost all circumstances (other than incest and abuse)
Elimination of fathers from the lives of their children has been catastrophic for them and society - but -- you are apparently using wrongs committed against you - in the very, very rare exception, to paint what men are doing across this country with a very broad brush.
Men fair very well in divorces, men can get shared custody easily and child support is based strictly on a percentage of income.
You are either lying - or, you have a heck of a case for malpractice against your divorce lawyer.

at 8:47 AM, January 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! (offering a salve to solorunner) I am sorry for your experience. Mine was not the same; I was an abused spouse, left with only a garbage bag full of clothes and hid at the Salvation Army first, then jumped all over Cincinnati until I finally got the divorce (the other side got ALL the money, the house, both cars, and EVERYTHING else...all I got to keep was my name, and they tried to take that, too. Thank God there were no children) and then I had to leave the country to get the creep to stop tracking me.

Both men and women suffer from divorce; it's not the sole pain of one side. Men get women pregnant and split. Women are letting them do it by having sex before marriage. No daddies grab the shotguns anymore. Society no longer values it. Co-habitation is supported; even legislators are trying to remove it from the books in states where it is illegal.

Many women want to marry (or in my case, remarry), but there's no men who want them, for whatever reason. And many many men are now gay (another result of the broken home; they turn off from women altogether), which reduces the pool of bachelors as well.

All the bloggers to this point make excellent observations. Does anyone see a common thread?

Here's a hint: When we took God out of the schools, homes, and city hall, we destroyed this country, and are now seeing the results of trashing moral values.

at 10:37 AM, January 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, first if you are in the position you claim “an advocate” then you know your numbers are wrong. Thanks for the correction; children’s right to their fathers is a better way to frame this. My concern is that for thousands of men shared parenting is a myth. You can get a shared parenting agreement (true 50/50) thru the court if your willing to take on huge legal expenses but it routinely fails because the child support industry and counties prosecutors office will supply her at no cost with all the legal armament she needs to assure that HCCSEA gets the money it feels it so richly deserves. The father only wanting what is right will be saddled with massive legal expenses, he can drag it out as long as he wants or until his money runs out. For her it doesn’t matter she has the full force and power of the state and its attorneys on her side. Again this will cost her nothing.

Men bail from these arrangements because:

1. If you’re a responsible man and want to do the right thing you WILL be destroyed in court. It is much easier to brutalize a nice guy financially and emotionally because he is available, responsible and is willing to do anything be with his kids. The few deadbeats out there couldn’t care less to begin with and they are too much of a hassle to pursue. But because there are a few deadbeats its perfectly okay to label every divorced dad as a deadbeat, which has been done even by this paper.
2. Your rights to due process do not exist and you know it. There is no concern for what happens to the father’s life as long as the money flows to the child support system. The threats from HCCSEA in the form of phone calls or letters to your home and work are enough to make you want to shoot yourself. If true 50-50 arrangements were routinely made there would be little or no need for the state involvement in the child support/welfare system. That can’t be allowed to happen; too many bureaucrats would lose their jobs. It has little to do with money going to children the money supports a behemoth of fraud and graft. I for one am an easy mark I’m in a professional capacity I would do anything and I mean anything to be with my kids and the courts know this. I’m likely to turn down job promotions because it might relocate me. I was raised to honor our legal system and obey a judge. I have learned that to do so is foolish. I ‘m not the type to go underground or put up a big stink. I’ am every man and the courts know this.
3. Don’t work hard whatever you do, don’t try hard to improve your lot. Don’t buy a new or newer car. Don’t even buy a new suit. If you appear to be making any money, all she has to do is make one phone call and guess what? You’re under review. You WILL be called back to court to have your life and income reviewed and if it is determined you’ve made more money, your paying more. I underwent this process a couple of years ago and it was determined by the Magistrate (Newberry) her lawyer and my lawyer in a closed room I was not allowed to be in that I might make more money going forward. The justice I got was I was now in arrears for several thousand dollars and my support order was doubled. No regard given to the arrangements made during the divorce.
4. My situation is not unique if it was there would be no need for organizations like Fathers 4 Justice. Fathers/men are routinely ruined in family courts as a matter of policy under the guise of “its for the children”. Recently a “family court “ judge was removed from the bench in Covington because of his behavior. In Columbus a family court judge was forced into retirement after father rights groups, including Fathers 4 Justice, exposed her treatment of men and women in her courtroom.
5. Child support is based on the payers (non-custodial) income little or no regard is made to what her income is.
6. No ma’am or sir. Lying? That’s borderline libelous.

Again, why men should not marry and why 51% of women are single? Take my stuff including my kids, take my home, my income, harass me for years, bankrupt me, drag me into court when you feel like examining my personal life then when your finished ask me to testify under oath that I agree with what you just did to me and that its fair to avoid going to a full blown trial and the expenses that go with it. Go ahead. What young man in his right mind would sign up for marriage in this country knowing what can be done to them?

at 1:19 PM, January 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think both sides of the spectrum are valid…women are stuck with the daunting task of raising the children alone, but men can be taken for all he’s worth. I guess I’ve seen both sides. My husband had custody of his kids right after his divorce when I met him and he was struggling—financially and with raising kids alone. Eventually, his ex-wife, a present but passive mother, became about $8k behind in support, and ten years later, she filed for custody after she had convinced the children that they wanted to live with her. (Our lawyer said that once the children had said that they wanted this change and they were older, chances are, the courts would allow it…never mind that she had an $8k “motive” to convince them.) We eventually gave into her demands to forgo getting some of the back support (about $2000) just to get the process overwith (very painful). Even though we have two children of our own, we still had to pay twice as much support as his ex-wife had because she had started working part-time while her husband made $100k, while my husband supported us ($65k) and I worked part-time. (Spousal income is not factored in.) The calculations were standard and she wanted documentation of every bonus or raise he got. I wasn’t so much upset about the money but by the fact that they weren’t going to live with us anymore. I was very close to them, being like a mother to them for eight years. But, I guess blood is thicker than water…

at 11:52 AM, January 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm a single woman. NO WAY will I get married! You think I want to live with a guy like solorunner? Bitter man. He's got good reason to be bitter, from what I read here...but he's definitely not someone I'd want in my life. Too much baggage.

We don't marry because we don't want other people's messes in our lives. We don't want to be painted with the "evil woman" brush that their ex's got.

I don't want some belching, farting, pot-bellied, beer swilling fat lazy jerk who badmouths everyone while constantly watching TV couch potatoing in my living room while I break my backside keeping the house neat and paying all the bills because his income goes into someone else's purse. Eww!

They should outlaw divorce except for cases like abuse or adultery. Maybe if they did that, people would take marriage seriously again, and think twice before ruining their kids lives and their own in divorce court...and then single gals like me could find emotionally healthy men to marry.

at 10:51 AM, January 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon/single woman. I can appreciate your baggage comments the bitterness and the scars you carry from a divorce don’t heal quickly. I have re- married and she’s an amazing woman. My marriage works very well as we both understand what’s at stake and how bad it can be if you don’t work at it 24/7. This blog is a very cathartic; you can let out only what you want.
Your comment about belching, farting, pot- bellied, lazy beer swilling jerk whose paycheck goes to another’s purse is as harsh as the now fat, gossipy, harping, sweats wearing, mini- van driving soccer mom slob/gold digger who has gotten bored with being married and decides (usually with the help of a greedy lawyer) to throw her life, her kids lives and her husbands life to the curb so she can have more ME time are extreme and represent a visible minority. I think the truth is that most men who have been through a divorce get pounded financially, women of divorce suffer longer emotionally but both do everything they can to take care of their kids regardless of the costs to their personal lives or health.
I seriously doubt you would be involved with or marry a guy like that, I wouldn’t.
Your outlaw divorce comments are spot on. Divorce ought to be very difficult to come by and the filer should agree to leave with nothing (taking the financial motivation away). I don’t think marriage is taken as seriously as it should be. We’ve had an entire generation been force fed that marriages and relationships are expendable and can be traded in for younger, newer, better models and child rearing is a burden not a blessing. In my case it required a painful divorce to realize how good I have it and how lucky I am to be given a second chance. Congratulate me my wife of 3 years is due shortly.

at 9:53 PM, January 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solorunner - good for you! As soon as that kid hits the ground file for a "review" because you are entitled to a deduction.
You are right - men's rights in the CSEA program are minimal - I have adviced men to "apply for chld support services" on the IV-D application.
Whoever is the "client" is the client and gets the representation for free. But you and I know, the attorney doesn't technically represent either paqrty, they represent the "best interests of the children" not the parents.

at 10:28 PM, January 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems everyone posting agrees on one thing and one thing only - divorce should not be so easily come by, that children are hurt and society is hurt.

So, if all of us from all our personal perspectives agree - then why does our legislators still promote "no fault" divorces and dissolutions ( thaqt used to be reserved for families left behind by abandonment?(A criminal offense then)

anyone want to weigh in on this-
Apaqrty who cheats on their spouse has committed a crime against the family and society - and should be prosecuted civilly and criminally.
A person who has sex with a married person should be charged criminally as a crime against the family and society - and face civil claims for "alienation of affection"
A person who fails to meet the financial, psychological and emotional needs of their children is abusing their family and should face chld abuse charges ( and I mean, seeing their children every day and raising them)

How about if we publish the names of all the "absent parents" who are expecting society to do their job - inthe paper - heck, lets put it into the quotia for health and car insurance - certainly, people who engage inthis kind of behavior are also a higher risk for insurance claims.

And what about the relatives - granparents, aunts and uncles - who also abaqndon these children and deny them the familial infrastructure that gives children security and peace of mind???

And what about the Catholic Church who applies a doctrine of , if you weren't married to her, you owe her and your child nothing. How about the Church refusing communion and marital sacraments to people who abaqndon their children instead of promoting second families ehen the first oneis suffering?

at 11:23 PM, January 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congratulations! I'm glad it all worked out for you.

You're right about the slob/gold digger mom; she exists as much as the guy I described. No man wants a woman like that, I'm sure...I wouldn't.

Match and eharmony and the other dating sites are making a killing on women (and men) like me, who want to be with someone, but not necessarily ready to tie any knots, especially the hangman's noose kind. Sure wish I'd gotten onboard with that initial investment, lol

Anyway, I'm happy to hear all ended well for you. Hope for me yet! :)

at 11:24 AM, January 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God what an amazing group of people.

No Fault works for the lawyers and gives one party the right to divorce even if the other doesn’t want it. So even if you don’t want to be divorced and don’t want to your stuff carted off sold and given to your ex and her lawyer the law gives you little or no recourse or protection. You can file for little or no reason but the damage is the same and of course the lawyers can feast on the remnants of your life.
Fees are collected the choice is a long drawn out affair which can takes months and months or the fast-food of divorces: No Fault.
“ A person who fails to meet the …..charged with child abuse” what about a system that routinely takes children away from their fathers and the safety and protection he offers and allows them to be raised by a highly stressed, working single mother doesn’t that count as abuse?
The child support system is a perverted welfare system since every nickel goes to the same pool, it is not a separated from other social service programs and is dependent on that stream of income continuing as long as possible. Best interests of the child mean nothing to these people the corruption at LifeWay, the Hamilton County Family and Jobs Services and Marcus Feisel should be the wake up call that its about the money not children. If it was truly about children your kids with be with you 50% of the time and child support would be drastically reduced but that won’t line the pockets of Family Court judges.

at 9:18 AM, January 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we say “Bitterness” is rampant?

at 10:57 AM, January 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon. bitterness?yes indeed. nay ideas on how to let it go?

at 1:17 PM, January 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not an expert.
However, the healthiest human relationships are among two individuals that also independently have a healthy relationship within themselves.

This may sound a little "mumbo jumbo" but you must be happy, self reliant, confident, and optimistic in your own future, before you can expect to offer the same to another.

at 1:01 PM, January 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

you missed your calling

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