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Monday, January 15, 2007

Keep your hands off playtime

Call it enabling, cosseting or crippling. Surely one of those terms applies to New York City planners who not only designed a playground that channels children into organized play but plan to staff it with "play workers" who will monitor and guide their actions. The purpose, oddly enough, seems to be to nurture more imaginative play.

Were these people never children themselves? The whole point of playgrounds and recess is to be away from adults, in a world with games and rules of children's own making. This is kids' down time, and the thought of having adults hovering nearby -- to, what, suggest story lines? -- is sure to suck the fun right out of things.

Every kid knows there are rules for safe play, and no parent would argue that there's a need for discreet adult supervision. But enforcing basic civility and "guiding imaginative play" are two entirely different things, and any kid can spot the difference in a minute.

Some sacred spots should be off limits for enrichment, organization and productivity. A playground is one of them.


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