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Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A helpful guide for voters


Ending months of frenzied speculation and nearly unbearable suspense, the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council on Monday announced its slate of endorsed candidates for the 2008 fall election. Hold onto your hats. You may be shocked. The council (drumroll, please) endorsed:

A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. A Democrat. AND …

... A Democrat!

Nice of the council to keep it simple.

UPDATE 5/14:

OK, since the topic of the Enquirer's endorsements has come up, let's finally set the record straight. Despite the conventional wisdom that we "always endorse Republicans," here are the facts on how we stand in contested races:

g In the 2007 Cincinnati City Council election, we endorsed five Democrats, three Republicans and one Charterite.
g In 2006, we endorsed 17 Republicans and seven Democrats, including two of the five statewide Ohio races.
g In the 2005 City Council race, we endorsed four Democrats, three Republicans and two Charterites, plus a Democrat for mayor.
g In 2004, we endorsed 17 Republicans and 11 Democrats, including seven Democrats out of 10 Ohio legislative races.

Let's go back even further into the Enquirer's supposed unyieldingly partisan past:
g In the 2000 election, we endorsed 27 Republicans and 10 Democrats.
g In the 1998 election, we endorsed 17 Republicans and 12 Democrats.

The point is this: Unlike some groups, we don't just "vote" a straight party ticket. In each race, we honestly try to support the person we think is the better candidate, consistent with the Editorial Board's overall philosophy. About 35 percent of the time -- 40 percent during the past four years -- that's a Democrat.


at 1:46 PM, May 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not see Chris Dole's name listed for Hamilton County Commissioner. He is a union electrician (Local 212) and a Crosby Township Trustee. Why wouldn't they endorse him? Doesn't he have working families best interest at heart? Yes, I know he does.Could it be more back room deals? I heard they sat on their hands and didn't vote either way. Huh, imagine that.

at 3:11 PM, May 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats your point? the aflcio cares about the working class of this country and they understand what a lot more people need to understand. the republicans are destroying in america.

at 6:05 PM, May 13, 2008 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

Just for balance, how many Republicans has the Chamber of Commerce endorsed? I'm sure I'll be shocked at the answer.

at 9:25 PM, May 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's review the Enquirer's past endorsements (drumroll, please):

A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. A Republican. AND...

...A Republican!

Nice of the Enquirer to keep it hypocritical.

at 4:56 AM, May 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't they endorse them? Seeing that most buisness owners and stockholders are tradionally Rebuplican.
The need to endorse is to better your needs and not those of the country at large. Go to Zanesville and see what Unions have done for that town. Great place to grow up, better place to flee.

at 10:42 AM, May 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The USA is in sad shape today because voters are too stupid to research and learn for themselves who is most qualified to earn their vote.

Instead we have idiots looking to Newspapers and "the Chamber of Commerce" to decide their votes. What a laugh.

at 6:46 PM, May 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cooklis, let's filter out all the Enquirer's token "Democrat for Dog-Catcher" endorsements and count the big ones. How many Democrats has the Enquirer endorsed for President, Governor, US Senate or Congress?

By my count, that should be 41 endorsements since 1998. Let's see, you endorsed Steve Beshear in 2007... Paul Patton in 1999... Steve Cranley in 2006... Ken Lucas in 2002...

Gee whiz, 4 out of 41 is less than 10 percent. I must be forgetting about a dozen or so Democratic endorsements.

Please help me out here, Mr Cooklis; I'm racking my mind but I can't quite remember all these Democrats you've endorsed.

at 9:37 AM, May 15, 2008 Blogger Ray Cooklis said...

Hey, Anonymous 6:46 -- I invite you to break the news to Mark Mallory, Ted Strickland, Steve Driehaus, David Pepper, Marianna Bettman, Todd Portune, Arnold Simpson, David Crowley, Cecil Thomas, Catherine Barrett, Dusty Rhodes, Greg Harris, Wayne Coates, Tyrone Yates, Deborah Gaines, Baron Hill, Leigh Herington, O'Dell Owens, Fanon Rucker et al. that they are "dogcatchers." John (not Steve) Cranley, maybe, but that's what happens when you're good at running with a net.

Why only count the "big" races anyway? Don't the more local offices have more impact on real people's lives? Why are these "token" endorsements?

Besides, the whole point here is that candidates of both parties get serious consideration.

at 1:58 PM, May 15, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why only count the "big" races anyway? Don't the more local offices have more impact on real people's lives?"

If I live and work in Kentucky, you can be sure that Jean Schmidt and Steve Chabot are able to affect my life much more than anybody on Cincinnati City Council. Duh.

at 4:28 PM, May 15, 2008 Blogger Ray Cooklis said...

To anonymous 1:58: True. But we endorse in numerous Ky. legislative races as well, including several races in next Tuesday's primary.

at 5:09 PM, May 15, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question remains unanswered: How many Democrats has the Enquirer endorsed for President, Governor, US Senate or Congress since 1998?

I'm assuming it's only four unless Cooklis states otherwise.

at 10:44 AM, May 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Enquirer has not endorsed a Democrat for President or US Senate for at least ten years.

And when it comes to the four big races (President, Governor, US Senate & Congress), the Enquirer has endorsed only two Democrats in the past five years.

Quit patting yourself on the back, Cooklis. Nobody takes your "fair & balanced" schtick seriously.

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