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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sobering thoughts on saving gas

With gasoline prices soaring toward $4 a gallon, many Americans are trying to figure out ways to cut their fuel costs -- and politicians are only too happy to suggest ways they can get the credit for a price drop.

One of the more creative personal projects, however, comes from a blogger in Munster, Ind. who calls himself -- no joke -- "The Drunken Swede." An engineer, he's decided to experiment by mixing E85 fuel (85 percent ethanol, 15 percent gasoline) with regular gasoline in his car, which is not a "flex fuel" vehicle meant to take E85.

You're not supposed to do this, of course -- long-term engine damage and all that, even though a regular engine can take about 10 percent ethanol. But after seeing E85 (which is heavily subsidized) being sold for 50 cents a gallon less than gas, he figured he could save a few bucks by adding just enough E85 to his tank to make a difference without hurting the car.

I know it's just an experiment to see what works, but as a matter of economics, I think this guy is living up to half of his nickname. By my calculations, even if you do a 50/50 mix of E85 and gasoline -- the maximum E85 he figures could work without stalling out or harming your car -- you might save $3 to $5 per 16-gallon tank (his first-tank savings were $2.79).

But bear in mind that E85 gives you less mileage than gas (estimates are anywhere from 5 percent to 30 percent less), so a mixture could wipe out your savings. Also, a more optimum concentration for a non-E85 car seems to be only 25 percent to 30 percent E85.

But hey, at least the guy's trying. He even put E85 in his wife's van -- then she called him Monday to tell him the van stalled. Talk about dedication.

Got any other ideas on saving gas?


at 3:51 PM, April 29, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

the increase in the cost of gas is directly proportional to the loss of value in the dollar. this is caused by neocon trade policies and the failure to pay for the disaster in iraq. get out of iraq, raise taxes on the rich, and reduce our trade deficit by taxing the daylights out of corporations that shipped our jobs overseas and the price of gas will come down quicker than a broken parachute.

it goes without saying that if you plan on voting for insane mccain that gas will go thru the roof.

at 8:25 PM, April 29, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use an engine flush to remove sludge and varnish. Also, use a good fuel injector cleaner, clean fuel injectors will help fuel mileage as well as power, and finally use a 100% syntehtic motor oil. I suggest AMSOIL products. Not only are they the best quality, but their oil used with their oil filter will last 25k miles or one year. This will save time and money and you will be buying American products.
One other thing, be sure to use good air and fuel filters to keep contamination out of your engine. Check out http://www.completemotorcare.com

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