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Monday, April 21, 2008

The benefits of the bus

I rode Metro downtown to work today, my first time ever. I've always thought I'd feel constrained by taking the bus but instead I felt liberated.

I didn't have to worry about traffic or fret about running late because I was forced to run early. And there was something really nice about starting my day with other people. I didn't realize how lonely that commute had become until I had seatmates explaining the bus routes and offering tips on dealing with bad weather and missed buses.

The people were the best part of the experience. I wonder if bus riders are a unique breed -- unpretentious, down-to-earth, at least some environmentally minded.

I decided to try bus-riding for a week to challenge high school students to take the school bus rather than drive to school. My ride was so pleasant -- and so eminently sensible -- that I can see myself riding all the time.

I applaud those of you who have spent years being committed to mass transit. I know the system isn't perfect, but I wish I had tried it years earlier.


at 7:28 AM, April 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to hear that you have found the joys of mass transit in such short time. Don't expect a pleasant ride all the time, delayed buses and sometimes creepy people can be frustrating but the social, physical, mental, and financial benefits of mass transit far outweigh those frustrations. Now only if more people in Cincinnati could realize this as well! Hopefully this has made you and others supporters of mass transit like the streetcars and light rail...

at 7:32 PM, April 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Krista, I'm not sure if it's true this year, but last year, UC students could ride Metro for free. That's a sweet deal, considering the ghastly cost of parking.

If I didn't live so far from campus, I'd do it. But it's a three hour ride for me (transfers are a necessity), and when the first class starts at 7-something, well, you get the idea.

LIGHT RAIL! How I wish Cincinnati had been far more intelligent and forward thinking a few years ago...we'd be so much richer now. :) After all, rail doesn't stop for lights or wrecks!

at 6:44 AM, May 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a long time proponent of mass transit it seems that expanding the bus system makes sense. I would love to see the $100 to 200 million planned for trolleys to be spent on new buses and expanded routes. With high gas prices I have heard more and more people say they have either started using park and ride or are considering it. If the buses are clean and safe and high occupancy lanes could be established I believe the buses would be packed.

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