So many questions, so few binturongs ...

All together now, Aaaaawwwwwwww...... Yes, the new baby bearcat at the Cincinnati Zoo is awfully cute, and so was its debut Wednesday morning with University of Cincinnati (Home of the Bearcats) President Nancy Zimpher and Zoo Director Thane Maynard. But somehow the Enquirer story left me, at least, with some nagging questions:
1. Why wasn't Zimpher wearing her trademark red? Could it be because bearcats become enraged/amorous/ravenous when they see that color? Maybe Maynard could have explained it if he had more than 90 seconds.
2. So what is a bearcat really? The story tells us it's neither a bear nor a cat, but is technically a "binturong," which is related to the civet, which I believe is made by Honda (see the resemblance?), although its forebears were made by Stutz. At least I think so.
3. What will the Zoo name the new baby bearcat -- especially since, as the Enquirer says, "the new resident will serve to strengthen the more than 100-year-old relationship" between UC and the Zoo? Not a clue, but I'll bet that if they open up a naming contest to the public, the No. 1 nomination might be "Huggs."
Any other questions?
HUGGS??? Are you mad? No freaking way! Please don't insult UC in such a manner.
As for Nancy's lack of trademark red, maybe if she'd worn it, the little guy would have kissed her, not the cheerleader, lol ;)
Name ideas: How about Binto? Sort of a hats off to his actual name, (although good grief, the Cincinnati Binturongs just sounds...well, so wrong...)
go Cats!
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