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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Area of expertise

Narcissist of the week:
“To be honest, when I saw (Spitzer’s apology) yesterday, I was the first one I thought of.”
-- Former Hamilton County Prosecutor Mike Allen in an Enquirer interview

Here is a guy who disgraces his office and betrays his wife by having sex with a subordinate, and what does he do? He hires a press agent to tout him to the news media as an “expert” on the Eliot Spitzer scandal.

Spitzer, as the world knows, turned his reputation as a crime-busting New York prosecutor into a landslide trip to the New York governor’s office in 2006. He then threw all that away by spending tens of thousands of dollars as “client #9” of a high-priced prostitution ring.

Do we need Mike Allen’s – or anyone else’s – expertise on what it is like to humiliate your family and trash your career by having the secrets of your illicit sex life laid bare?

By the way, in reference to a post below, I know that Eliot Spitzer is a Democrat and Mike Allen is a Republican. All that proves is that being a self-centered twit is a non-partisan issue.

So far at least, Spitzer, unlike Allen, hasn’t had the gall to put his newly uncovered “expertise” on his resume.


at 6:50 PM, March 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which Narcissist are you referring to, the Narcissist that made this public statement, after a humiliating public resignation from office for practicing hypocrisy while repeatedly violating several state and federal laws?
"But I also know that as a public servant, I and the remarkable people with whom I worked have accomplished a great deal."

at 8:08 AM, March 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts. And unfortunately the media, including the Enquirer, bought into Allen's disgusting self-promotion by treating him as an expert.

at 2:54 PM, March 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's amazing how this loser is all over CNN talking about cheating on his wife

i'm actually surprised by CNN that they let him come on and run his mouth as if he's some expert

thats sleazy - stick to the psychiatrists & psychologists for that type of analysis

at 4:12 PM, March 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

how does private behaviour between consenting adults disgrace anybodys office? in both cases, what happened is a private manner.

its time for americans to evolve.

at 7:37 PM, March 13, 2008 Blogger David Wells said...

I'm a firm believer in evolution anon 4:12.
As for disgracing his office, that referred to having the affair with a subordinate, which is against the rules in most workplaces for good reason. In this case it raised the question of exactly why he had the subordinate on the public payroll.

at 5:30 AM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

good point. i had not remembered the details of allens situation.

at 4:36 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliot Spitzer....the great crime fighter. Used any means possible to coerce defendents into pleading out deals, at the mere threat of publically embarassing them and financial ruin. Spitzer decided what alledged criminal actions passed his ethical lines when he carefully chose which cases to prosecute.

Now, when the great crime fighter is caught financing interstate prostitution, a federal crime, we are to look the other way. This is a private matter and democrats are held to the lowest liberal standards tolerated. Spitzer is a worthy democrat candidate for president.

at 5:44 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever... I don't remember all the Democrats saying to look the other way.

Most Democrats in NY don't even like him. He went after everyone... so get the facts straight.

at 6:45 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever......Eliot Spitzer won 65.7 percent of the vote when he became New York governor. All republicans/independents voted for him and only a few democrats voted for him anyway, to total 65.7% of voters. Facts are not always as they appear?

at 7:04 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adultery is not partisan. Neither side can throw stones in this debate, that's for sure!

As a single person, I don't understand how a married person can cheat. I mean, you have a steady source of sex right there next to you in bed, and you're allowed to be as 'wild' as you want...so what the heck are you thinking? And, do you think this makes marriage any more appealing to a single person?

Now I'm a weirdo supreme, because I don't engage in sex outside of marriage. Since I'm probably the only one in Cincinnati who believes in this AND actually practices it, again...what the heck are you married poeple thinking?? You get to have all the sex you want without sinful reprisals! ENJOY it and quit the insanity, already!

at 10:04 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when did government and DA offices start recording and reporting the political party affiliation of prosecuted private citizens? Please enlighten and share your perceived relevancy. Not all of life is politics. And subterfuge never strengthens your argument.

at 11:14 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:04 - what about the people who don't plan to get married

Abstain for life? sure

at 11:15 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spitzer's approval rating was around 30%. So yes you do need to get the facts straight.

His only supporters are his lawyers.

at 10:49 AM, March 15, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

More subterfuge? Now 30% of the population are lawyers. Any other fun facts to know?

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