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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Prophet without honor in his own district?

Supporters of very-long-shot but still-hanging-in-there presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul may believe they have something to cheer about: One report this week says that recent polls place Paul 11 points behind his opponent, 43 percent to 32 percent.

Only 11 percent?

Only one problem: This report claims that with only two weeks to go before Texas’ March 4 primary, the Republican congressman is behind in the primary race for his own seat in the U.S. House. Internal campaign polls show Paul trailing challenger Chris Peden in the 14th District race, according to Pajamas Media, an online blog network.

If Pajama's posting is true -- and that may be a BIG if -- Peden evidently has been able to capitalize on Paul’s absence from the district during the traveling presidential circus. Could it actually be that a six-term House member with national name recognition is in danger of losing to a near-unknown – a city councilman in Friendswood, Texas?

Paul's true believers aren't buying it, of course. But if there's even a chance his House seat is in doubt, that would present Paul with a couple of dilemmas. Although he’s raised an astounding amount of cash through his online grassroots campaign – having already spent $20 million – he can’t use any of the more than $8 million in his presidential campaign account to defend his seat unless he drops out as a presidential candidate. But Paul shows no signs of doing that. So his supporters are scrambling to raise funds online -- for his congressional race.

Then there’s the matter of time. Paul may need plenty of it to deal with Peden in his Gulf Coast district, which stretches through 10 counties from near Corpus Christi to the Houston suburbs. But the Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island and Vermont primaries are on the same day – March 4 – so Paul likely will be on the national campaign trail. Peden's rather self-serving observation is that Paul is willing to risk losing his House seat for a chance to make a speech at the Republican National Convention, a prospect that becomes more likely the longer Paul stays in the presidential race to harvest delegates. Peden's also quick to point out that unlike Paul, he doesn't believe that NASA -- many of whose employees live in the district -- is unconstitutional.

So ... face time on CNN, or shaking hands at a strip mall in Matagorda County? Decisions, decisions. What’s a peripatetic Libertarian to do?


at 5:15 AM, February 24, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hate to dash the spirits of what few Peden supporters exist out there, but the desperate propaganda being promoted by the Peden campaign on how well Peden is doing in the polls is no where near reality. Peden is NOT leading Dr. Paul in this race. In fact, most voters still don't even know who Peden is. How do I know this? Because I am Ron Paul's campaign manager and I have personally overseen 4 different political surveys in district 14 in recent weeks. All 4 surveys have shown the same results: Ron Paul has a high favorable rating and high marks on his job approval. And if the election were held today, 60+ percent of the GOP voters say they would vote to reelect Ron Paul, while only 18-20% chose Peden. The remaining 20% or so say they are undecided or refuse to give an answer to these scientific and statistically accurate surveys.

For those who follow the Ron Paul congressional campaigns you will remember that Shane Sklar, Dr. Paul's Democrat opponent pulled this same kind of deceptive game toward the end of his campaign, putting out press statements saying he had polls claiming his was tied with or even ahead of Ron Paul.

For example:
Burnt Orange Report::: TX-14: Shane Sklar Can Beat Ron Paul
Shane Sklar leads Ron Paul 54-30% in an informed Congressional vote.

And let me see now...Sklar got beat by Ron Paul by how much? This press clip may jog your memory of the election outcome...

Ron Paul .... defeated Democratic rancher Shane Sklar with 60 percent of the vote. ...

So, those of you who believe Peden's supposed lead in the polls should really place some bets on this one...BIG bets. And then when Peden, who is still virtually unknown to the voters and has almost no money in his campaign, (other than what he has loaned himself) loses the election and you lose a lot of money...then, maybe, reality might become a little more clear.

Just presenting the facts to help provide a little political reality check.

Oh, and BTW, Ron Paul can not and will not access money he has raised for his presidential race for use in his congressional campaign. It is not allowed under federal election rules. But then again, he doesn't need to, because his congressional campaign has raised over $1 million dollars over the past two weeks. Check it out at:



Mark Elam
Campaign Manager,
Committee to Reelect Ron Paul


at 11:33 AM, March 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone else notice how in the pics to the left all but the woman looks like they're about to fall over with a major coronary.

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