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Thursday, February 21, 2008

No 11-year-old is a "mom"

Our story on the 11-year-old who gave birth after reportedly being raped by her mother's boyfriend sucks out the hope I usually hold for the world.

When I gave birth to my own daughter 17 years ago and requested that she stay in my room with me, a nurse's voice got wistful. "It's nice to see a mom who wants her baby nearby," she said, then added softly, "We have an 11-year-old mom down the hall who asked that her baby not be brought to her room, but wanted a coloring book and crayons."

The sadness of that request silenced both of us. An event that for me was the best day of my life must have been utter horror for that little girl. She was a mom before she was a junior high school kid, a fact that blasphemied both motherhood and childhood.

Hamilton County prosecutors want to remove the baby from the girl's care. I can't see any other tolerable outcome to this tragedy. Why would anyone force a female already so humiliated and wounded to have to pretend -- in any way -- that she is a mother? Why would anyone who cared about her even a whit think she could live alongside a baby produced by her being repeatedly raped at age 10?

May she one day see the strength and grace she has to merely get through this.


at 8:44 AM, February 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krista - I agree this is a truly "no win" situation.

I hope both the 11 year old child and the infant are removed from the home and given permanently to loving families. I honestly have no idea if it's a good or bad thing for the two to have a relationship. This is so far out of the "norm" of my thinking I have no idea how to process it.

at 2:59 PM, February 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly I heard that removing the baby from the mother-child can mess her up even more and she will try to get pregnant again, to replace the baby that was taken away

at 8:38 PM, February 23, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

At times like this we need grandparents to house the 11 year old AND raise the baby. Please keep the Foster Care system away. Things are bad enough now. The young mother soon will develop maternal instincts and adjust to the baby. Don't rush things. With the proper climate (and plenty of love), all will work out fine.

at 2:17 AM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a person who works in a field that houses these monsters, to do my job I haft to be num on my feelings, I have to be hard. I forget about the outside world and that people are mostly good. Every day I go to work and deal with fathers that don't care, women that use their bodies as door mats for men, and believe me as much as you don't want to believe it there are scarier stories than this. I know that it is hard to believe that anyone would could be but there is. This world is gone to hell and that is the truth I come home to my kids and wonder what did I do. How I could I have brought into this world something so innocent that monsters like this could exsist? Please for my sake if anyone ever reads this blog hug your kids protect them it is not funny when they have boyfriend or girl friends at a young age it is not good when you just say okay well its part of the culture sex if everywhere. Dont except this dont stop careing about what they are watching or seeing or what is on their i pod or games it does matter not that they are going to kill someone because they listen to rap but because they get hard and forget about good. The world used to never seem this evil to me but now that is all I see We as people who care we as real adults need to start standing up and saying no more Its hard but we can do it For every single mom out there who thinks they cannot do better than the piece of crap they are with there are a million guys out there who will be there for you and your child. You are not going to find them in a bar, you can stand up. I am going to fight for my kids I hope you continue to do the same with yours. To anon 8:38 NO everytime that little one see the other littleone she will remember being raped. It s not going to all work out it s not going to be okay the other side of hell is still hell. You telling me that this child will be the bigger person to except that she was raped by a grown adult monster with counciling NO NO NO NO a million times NO for all of you who think the same way take a trip to your jail and take a tour see what is ment about mans inhummanity to man There is evil and when you look at that in the eye everyday you will then understand. The stuff on COPS is real, this is real pain, real hell. This girl is messed up her entire life because one man who says he could not control himself because he has a problem is alive. You are now feeding him, clothing him, and paying for all his bills like medical, lawyer, stand up and be mad. Stand up and say not going to do this again. If you want a real enlightment serve on a jury. I bet you will come away with the question DOES THIS REALLY GO ON? It's time to get hard and be parents.

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