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Friday, August 31, 2007

Politics and rhetoric align in Craig case

Republicans seem to be falling over themselves to separate themselves from Idaho Sen. Larry Craig in the wake of the disclosure of his guilty plea to disorderly conduct for allegedly seeking gay sex in a Minneapolis airport bathroom. (How could you make this stuff up?)

I found this item in today's Washington Post, and it got me to wondering:

"Any resignation would clear the way for Gov. C.L. 'Butch' Otter, a Republican, to name a replacement who would serve until the end of Craig's current term in 2009. Lt. Gov. James Risch and Rep. Mike Simpson were among the possible replacements, according to the GOP activists, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly."

My question is this: Given the razor-thin margin that Democrats have to control the U.S. Senate, would the GOP be so quick to treat Craig like toxic waste if, say, Idaho's governor was a Democrat who likely would appoint a "D" to replace Craig?

Just wondering.


at 10:11 AM, August 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis, your judgment of the political implications is accurate.

However, this is not the first instance of Craig's hypocritical stance regarding homosexuality. As a hypocrit, he must go ASAP.

at 1:51 PM, August 31, 2007 Blogger Doug said...

Then we may as well call for the resignations of most of Washington if all it takes is being a hypocrite.

at 2:36 PM, August 31, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

Dennis, your point is entirely valid, but there are other things driving the calls for Craigs resignation.The homophobes that support the Republican party raise tremendous amounts of money with their hate rhetoric, and everyone is after Craig to disappear quickly so that the money train rolls on and the "hate" base stays intact.
I've explained this in some detail on my website.

at 3:18 PM, August 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug, you are correct that most of Washington are hypocrits. And yes we would be better off if they all resigned. Name 5 Senators and 20 Represenatives that we could not survive without their "service".

We would be better off with a fresh start and no entrenched power bases.

at 3:19 PM, August 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

JDWsr....who cares about your website? I assume it displays the same nonsense you spew here.

at 3:48 PM, August 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

johndwoodsr, is everyone that has a different opinion than you on the issues of homosexuality by definition homophobic? Does it also follow by your mindset that those individuals must be deciding the issues on hate? There is no room for any other options for basing an opinion? No way to agree to disagree in a civil discussion? I just want to understand your reasoning.

at 9:13 PM, August 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis is right; the Republicans would be fiercely defending Craig if Idaho's governor was a Democrat.

Case in point: the complete lack of outrage over David Vitter, who hails from a state with a Democratic governor. The guy admits hiring prostitutes, yet there's complete silence from the so-called "moral values" party.

Buncha hypocrites.

at 9:55 PM, August 31, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

3:19 anonymous--Thank you! Giving me a piece of your mind when you so obviously can't spare it was extremely generous.

3:48 anonymous--I'll try to answer your questions as best I can in a short space.
I tolerate homosexuals as citizens who differ from me only in their sexual preferences. I have never been harmed by them and they have as much right to respect as anyone else.People who don't tolerate them because of their sexual preferences are by definition homophobic. In my view, people who are so afraid of them that they will vote to pass punitive legislation denying them the same rights that others enjoy can only be described as haters. When these same folks are driven to vote this way because of a concerted effort of extremist policy groups working in concert with a particular political party, they are doing more harm than good, because they ignore much more serious issues that really should determine how they vote.
I respect the right of anyone to disagree with the way gays live their lives.I don't buy into it either, but it's their lives not mine, and I don't have the right to punish them for it. Neither should anyone else.
I hope this helps a little. It's really about tolerating people who aren't like you or me. What the heck, they tolerate us, don't they?

at 12:59 PM, September 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose if you confine your attention to the Republican reaction to, and subsequent plank-walkification of, Larry Craig then yes, "Politics and rhetoric align...".

On the other hand, the mere existence of an elected Republican Senator who has always, AFAIK, striven to make the lives of homosexuals a hell on earth, TURNING OUT TO BE GAY, well I guess I didn't really need to use all caps to highlight the jarring mis-alignment of GOP politics and rhetoric there.

But wait a minute though, because this is not an aberration any more than was Mark Foley or any number of Conservative Christian supporters of the GOP, or, for that matter, a little organization you may have heard of named "Log Cabin Republicans".

Let's face it: if GOP politics, rhetoric and (what the heck) truth in advertising were actually aligned, all their literature would have to have fine print at the bottom that says "Sex only allowed for the purpose of creating babies. All others will be destroyed."

Now that would be GOP aligning rhetoric and politics.

at 9:04 AM, September 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, some of the RINOs are retiring. Hopefully, the retirement day for Kennedy, Lehey, Reid, Durbin, etc. will come soon too.

at 1:44 PM, September 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The standards for Republicans are higher than the standards Democrats are held to by others and themselves. That's just the state of politics within Washington the dinosaur media.

at 1:58 PM, September 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Foley slammed the Republicans in 2006. Republicans were not going to allow the media a repeat performance, by having Craig around to slam them in 2008.

Present Republicans aren't smart but at times they are able to learn from their mistakes.

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