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Monday, August 20, 2007

A fatal inability to get the job done

Add the names Robert Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino to the list of 9/11 victims. The two New York firefighters were killed Saturday in a fire that spread through the Deutsche Bank building in lower Manhattan. That building, you may remember, was heavily damaged by the collapse of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, and was abandoned. Yet nearly six years later, it was still standing. Correction – it IS still standing. The process of demolition, or “deconstruction” as they like to call it now, was just underway.

Why six years? The building has been the focus of arguments, lawsuits and political posturing ever since 9/11: who would pay for its demolition and how; a tangled insurance liability mess; worries about hazardous materials in the structure such as asbestos, dioxin, lead and more; concerns from 9/11 victims’ families that some tiny fragments of their loved one’s remains might still be in or on the building. These are all legitimate issues, but the intransigence of the “stakeholders” on those issues led to a failure to accomplish a vital task.

And so a fire standpipe and a valve in the long-abandoned building failed Saturday. Firefighters had to haul hoses up 17 floors full of plastic curtains and “negative air pressure” plywood decontamination stations. Two of them didn’t make it down from a building that should have been razed long ago. The chairman of state corporation that owns the site said Saturday’s fatalities were caused by a “perfect storm of misfortune.” Yes, that, plus incompetence, narrow thinking and a lack of common sense.

We see too much of this paralysis these days, in places such as Cincinnati as well as New York. Projects don’t get done because too many interested parties have too many agendas and issues that have to be satisfied before anything happens. If our society eventually collapses, it may well be from a chronic inability to look at the whole picture, consider the optimum common good and just get it done.


at 4:44 PM, August 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding: "If our society eventually collapses, it may well be from a chronic inability to look at the whole picture, consider the optimum common good and just get it done."

Ray, your statement is so true. Environmentalists and pending lawsuits prevented the owner of the building from demolition. Who is to blame? The Lib environmentalists and corrupt lawyers. Their private agendas prevented the obvious overall good from occuring.... demolition of a dangerous structure.

And this same unholy alliance prevents obvious solutions to our dependency on foreign oil. Drill wells where known oil USA reserves have been found in Alaska and offshore; and build more gasoline refineries. But the solutions are to blocked by private agendas inconsiderate of the big picture and overall good of the American people's economics and security.

at 12:53 AM, August 21, 2007 Blogger LinB said...

"Environmentalists and pending lawsuits prevented the owner of the building from demolition. Who is to blame? The Lib environmentalists and corrupt lawyers. Their private agendas prevented the obvious overall good from occuring.... demolition of a dangerous structure". Do you know how many first responders at 9/11 are suffering from unknown illnesses because of the destruction? Would you have others suffer the same? And environmental issues weren't the only ones preventing demolition of this building. Why do blame only "lib enviornmentalists and their lawyers" for this tragedy? And why do you think that drilling for oil now is the answer? It may satisfy immediate needs, but what about 50 years from now? We may not be here to see it, but future generations will be here to suffer because of it. We "lib enviornmentalists" aren't being "inconsiderate". We're being practical. There are safer, cleaner alternatives in existence now, and waiting to be developed if our government AND environmentalists would work together. Unfortunately, we have a president who has his interests not vested in the people of this country, but in his own pocket.

at 8:07 AM, August 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The USA has lost its "CAN DO" attitude and behavior. Now, we are a nation of second guessers (Monday morning QBs). Ray is right. We are witnessing the decline of USA influence and society. The engineering community call it "over analysis resulting in paralysis of action".

at 12:38 PM, August 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Environmentalist and lawyers are destroying the American Economy and our security. They have made us over dependent on foreign oil by preventing us from drilling our own oil resources. They delay and divert progress, for their pet projects of the year. Currently, they misinterpret the sun’s solar cycles for “global warming”.

Under this umbrella of “junk cause and effect science”, they are adding anticompetitive costs and delays to all major development projects and new product development.

Their destructive forces are wide spread. For example, the Roebling Suspension Bridge was built during a cumulative six years of construction (the Civil War delayed completion) and completed in 1866.

Today, to replace the Brent Spence Bridge, we have spent 20+ years studying how to replace it and completion of a new bridge is not scheduled before 2022. And the cost has increased over four times fold, due to inflation and mounting environmental studies.

Yes, the USA is now led by whiners and wimps, who are afraid to make decisions and take action.

at 5:58 PM, August 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linb, Clinton and the Libs had the white house for eight years. They did nothing to decrease our dependency on foreign oil. Our % use of foreign oil actually went up. You wacko environmentalist are sucessful at stopping progress no matter who is president or panders to your nonsensical arguments.

at 6:18 PM, August 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did the Republican party become so short-sighted? It seems like there's not a single right-winger with the capacity to see how decisions we make today might hurt us a year, a decade, or a century later.

at 11:20 AM, August 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 6:18 PM points out some good issues:
-There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats on domestic policy. Each try to outspend the other when in power.
-I agree The Libs are shortsighted with their Iraq retreat and defeat policy. It's messy now but a victory will forgive the many war planning sins, when reviewed in 10-20 years from now.
-I'm not sure what is a Right Winger. There is a big difference between present Republican leadership and true conservative policies.

at 11:51 AM, August 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I predict a "scaled down in size BANKS project that costs more than 2-3 times the original price" will one day be developed on the Cincinnati side of the Ohio River.

That is if the minorities get their 20-35%+ share of construction jobs; if environmentals are guaranteed that the site will never cause pollution (with or without carbon credits); if the public is stiffed with the majority of the subsidized construction costs for privately owned real estate; and if Hamiltion County and City Council are each able to put their stamp of approval and named personal plaques on the site.

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