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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Can you be addicted to video games?

Is excessive use of video games a bad habit, a fun pastime or a mental disorder?

Parents might choose the first answer. Gamers might choose the second. And by early next week, the American Medical Association might vote for the third.

The AMA is considering recognizing video game addiction as a formal diagnostic disorder when its policy-making body meets June 23-27. The topic is on the table because multiple studies have shown some link between playing violent video games and temporary increases in aggression, particularly in children under age 10.

While nobody's suggesting heavy video game use leads to serious crime, there's much research to suggest that violent screen images have a short-term negative affect on children's behavior and developing social skills.

The AMA will also vote on recommending that parents limit children to one to two hours of total screen time daily and review rating standards for video games.

The AMA has no regulatory powers in these matters, but its concerns might make parents think twice -- especially in the freewheeling summer -- about how much time their kids spend in front of any screen, what images are before them and what other, more beneficial activities they're missing out on.

Meanwhile, wonder how much time Mom and Dad spend in front of a tube. . . .


at 5:34 PM, June 29, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

Seems all the gamer addicts are in denial!

I once played, Zelda: The Return Of Link, into the wee hours of the morning.

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