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Friday, January 11, 2008

Dennis who?

If Bill Richardson’s hefty resume indicates he’s leaving the Democratic presidential race too soon (see “Bill who?” below), surely his colleague Dennis Kucinich’s candidacy has worn out its hanging chad-thin welcome. After winning less than 2 percent of the vote in New Hampshire this week, Kucinich called for a recount. That’s right. A recount – just to make sure that “100 percent of the voters had 100 percent of their votes counted.” How nice of him.

Cleveland’s former “boy mayor” seems to be alleging that dark forces favoring Hillary Clinton – maybe in some some weird, wacko triangulation scheme involving those right-wing voting-machine manufacturers, who knows? – conspired to steal the victory from Barack Obama. Kucinich’s “serious and credible” evidence? Reports on the Internet (it’s online, so it must be true, right?) claiming that hand-counted ballots favored Obama, while machine-counted ones favored Clinton.

Somehow, it’s not surprising that UFO believer Kucinich is also a card-carrying member of the tinfoil-hat brigade of election conspiracy theorists. But New Hampshire’s deputy secretary of state, David Scanlan, pointed out that the state’s voting machines aren’t linked, so any widespread manipulation of results is near-impossible, no matter how desperately the ballot-box paranoids wish to believe otherwise. And paper ballots – the Holy Grail of the electile dysfunction crowd – are there to back it up.

Whew. Another Ohio congressman (now living out of state) used to punctuate his floor speeches with the phrase, “Beam me up.” Kucinich probably doesn’t say that because he’s afraid he’d get his wish.


at 2:50 AM, January 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you writers not see how absolutely boring and uninspirational your commentary are? We've got Hillary winning the cry baby vote, Obama currying rokc star type crowds, youth possibly taking over the elections, and you guys dish out this crappola?

By the way, since nothing else is worth reading here, I just gaze at the picture of Borgman --- Geez, he is HOT. MMmmmmmm (is he married?)

at 1:05 PM, January 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kucinich was also shut out of debates by media outlets filled with people who think they are so important that they should decide who the candidates are for people.

If you had paid any attention you would know that Diebold machines are rife with "critical saftey failures" according to our own Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. Votes can be easily flipped by someone driving by with Wi-Fi and a computer.

Many states are moving away from these private partisan companies. People have been pointing out these problems since 2000. Too bad the Enquirer has missed all of these stories. Do you really think that people wouldn't manipulate a voting system if it's easy and they know they can?

It's funny how biased media outlets use polls as a criteria to exclude candidates, but they aren't considered reliable when the exit polls don't match.

at 1:48 PM, January 12, 2008 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

This shabby hit piece is below even your standards, Mr Cooklis.By implying that Dennis Kucinich is some kind of a nut case because he admitted to having seen some airborne object that he couldn't identify (as have many pilots, and astronauts, and even an ex-President), and then using that characterization to belittle his concern for the integrity of our voting system, not only borders on slander but insults the integrity of millions of Americans who, having seen the statistical and anecdotal evidence, are also concerned about the probability of electronic vote-rigging.
That you feel compelled to resort to assassination by innuendo speaks volumes about the validity of your position, and your own journalistic integrity.
Some people would consider your arguments to be half slow, others would see them as half fast. Both sides would be correct.

at 4:46 AM, January 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

it has been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that the diebold voting machines can be manipulated. we need look no furthur than columbus and the flawed 2004 election to see what happens when the wrong person steals an election and is allowed to continue in power.

what dennis kucinich has done is the right thing. there are serious doubts about the results in new hampshire. while it will have no effect on the primary, its a necessary step to raise everyones awareness to the concerted effort by the republicans and corporatists to take away our individual right to have our votes counted.

at 8:49 PM, January 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should stay away from the subject of voting machines after the highly questionable election results here in 2004, all monitored by your endorsement, "Kenny Boy" Blackwell, who has since been relegated to the trash heap by voters who just know.......even if they haven't read John Conyer's report on voting irregularities.

I can only assume that Dennis Kucinich doesn't look "presidential " enough for you. You'd more likely favor Mitt Romney's big empty suit block head, I assume.

I gotta tell ya - I try to keep my postings civil, insightful and well informed but, Mr. Cooklis, I hate being manipulated and your form of transparent propagandizing is so easy to attack!

at 11:24 PM, January 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fawning media are so far up Clinton's whiny posterior it sickens me. While not a Kucinich supporter, I applaud his earnest advocacy and attempts to derail Team Clinton !

OBAMA 08 !! Be the Change !!

at 6:24 PM, January 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. cooklis, cat got your tongue?

at 6:07 PM, January 15, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the punch card ballot

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