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Friday, January 11, 2008

Bill who?

I was sad to see Bill Richardson drop out of the presidential sweepstakes. It’s not that I was a personal supporter – I’m not there with anybody yet. But the fizzle of his candidacy does make you wonder what the voters really are looking for.

We see Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama constantly poking at each other over who has the “experience” for the job.

Richardson’s resume includes a governorship, a stint in Congress, an ambassadorship, a cabinet post, personal relationships with foreign leaders and he’s bilingual. What other “experience” did he need to match the front-runners in his party? Yet mention his name to most people and you still get a “Bill who?” response.

I guess he just lacked the experience of being a star.


at 4:07 PM, January 11, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or perhaps there was a lack of a democratic media that gives fair and balanced coverage. The mind molding media outlets focus on the horse race. Voters know who's up in the polls and who's raising the most money, but they aren't aware of who all is running and where they stand on the issues.

These media outlets decide for the electorate who's a serious candidate and who isn't based on arbitrary and undemocratic criteria. Fox and ABC shut out candidates that represent a significant portion of the population on issues like the war and foriegn policy, trade and tax policy and they leave us with the choice of lesser evils which is no choice at all.

Who made you the deciders?

at 6:33 PM, January 11, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was against the successful Iraq Surge policy and favors unconditional surrender in Iraq. Americans don't like defeatists, even Lib voters.

at 8:47 AM, January 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surrender to whom? Think about that. Leave and mind our own damned business is what would be. Get GM off welfare and working it's tuckus off to make us less oil dependent.

Bill Richardson pushes some of your buttons which should have been deactivated a long time ago.

at 12:54 PM, January 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What successful Iraq Surge policy? The perpetual war for perpetual war profiteering is a racket. Americans don't like wars based on lies. Haven't you seen the polls? Americans want us out now and so do the Iraqi's. Why do you hate democracy?

at 12:36 PM, January 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or perhaps there was a lack of a democratic media that gives fair and balanced coverage."

Maybe if people turn off their tv's (Faux News and CNN) and turn to the internet they might be more informed. There is a wealth of voter information out there. If you are uninformed about who is running for president, it's noone's fault but your own.

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