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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rose interview about steroids

For a moment in today’s story about the steroid scandal, Pete Rose almost sounded as though he understood the concept of “integrity of the game.”

But then in the closing paragraph he had to revert to the old Pete we have come to expect:
“If steroids had been prevalent in his day?
‘I would have got 5,000 hits.’ ”

Why couldn’t he have just said he would never touch the stuff?

And please, why does Rose, or anybody else, think that Clemens, Bonds or any other player using drugs to pump up their performance has the slightest relevance to Rose’s own brand of rule-breaking?

Rose’s disgrace belongs to him and his punishment was suitable to his offense. It has nothing to do with other scandals, which should be considered on their own.


at 1:59 PM, December 19, 2007 Blogger rpa said...

i don't necessarily agree with pete rose on much... but i think that the line he was trying to draw is that he was not "cheating" by betting on the reds to win.

think what you want about the appropriateness of his punishment. i think the lifetime ban from baseball is ok, if a bit heavy handed. is 20 years enough for someone who never threw a game?

the ban from the hall of fame is silly... but it is the hall of fame's choice to exclude anyone from the ballot who has a lifetime ban from baseball (so rose, shoeless joe jackson, hal chase and eddie cicotte will be on the outside looking in, i guess).

i think rose's point was purely hypothetical. to treat it as anything else is to make too much of it.

at 3:12 AM, December 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rose the manager bet on baseball.
Rose the player got the most hits, was an inspiration to a generation of fans, and, with Bench, Morgan, and the great Tony Perez, a leader of the best baseball team of our generation.

Pete has every right to challenge Beefroids, Roid Roger, and their ilk.

I never understood how Baseball coddled druggies yet shunned gamblers (remember Mantle and Mays getting kicked out for associating with casinos ?)

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