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Friday, January 26, 2007

Poor, picked-upon Pettus-Brown

LaShawn Pettus-Brown, a former Taft basketball star, is the Cincinnati embarrassment that refuses to go away. His latest stunt is suing for $10 million in federal court claiming he was made a scapegoat for the failed Empire Theater fiasco and accusing assorted federal officials of victimizing him, including U.S. District Judge Sandra Beckwith who threw out his federal conviction in 2005.

How's that for ingratitude? He was later convicted of fraud in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. Pettus-Brown ripped off the city for tens of thousands of dollars in construction vouchers and spent the money instead on shoes, plane tickets, Maisonette dinners and other personal pleasures.

Among other accusations, he's playing the race card, claiming he was prosecuted because of the color of his skin. No, he was prosecuted because he stole money that ultimately belonged to taxpayers in a city that's 44 percent black.

He's also still using that tired convict line that he just got in over his head on the project and couldn't pay his bills. Oh yeah? Do most folks when they can't pay their bills forge bank documents to be able to keep collecting Other People's Money?


at 6:41 PM, January 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Pettus-Brown, accept the fact that you were judged on the content of your character, not on the color of your skin. Your refusal to accept responsibility for your actions shows that you have no character, that you are a "user" and a blight on decency. I hope that you lawsuit is dismissed and that you are ordered to pay the costs associated with it.

at 11:47 AM, January 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Among other accusations, he's playing the race card, claiming he was prosecuted because of the color of his skin."

This has become such a tired, worn-out excuse that everyone with a shred of decency laughs at it. It has become the all-purpose way of weaseling out of getting caught for a crime committed. It's been used as a tool by mostly blacks to inflict societal guilt. Someone hasn't told Pettus-Brown that it doesn't work anymore.

I guess he played the race card when he ripped off the taxpayers, believing he was "entitled" to the money because of his skin. He claimed to be behind on his bills, so, he was "entitled" to that money because he's black.

Now he's going to cost us even more money by tying up the Courts with his usual nonsense. Surely he didn't think incarceration was going to be a visit to a plush resort, with all his bigshot whims being catered to.

He won himself a sweet, juicy deal the last time, probably because of his skin. It won't happen this time. As a taxpayer, I'm still waiting for the money this bozo stole from me. I hope his joke lawsuits get tossed out in short order. It'll save me a couple of bucks. Then, will someone give this moron a ticket to leave this city? He, too, is a cancer.

at 7:02 PM, January 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No, he was prosecuted because he stole money that ultimately belonged to taxpayers in a city that's 44 percent black."

The other 56% of the taxpaying public are White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Middle Eastern, Appalachian, other races & cultures.

That 56% minority group has been racially targeted & injured by Pettus-Brown's greediness. He needs to be sued & locked up on racial hate/financial crimes.

Hasn't this poor mouth huckster ever heard of going out & getting a J-O-B to pay his bills, along with financial restitution to the public, whom he fleeced?

On the first Court date, the Judge needs to put that gavel down, toss out the case & pitch Pettus-Brown back in a 2x4 cell.

I don't want to get cranked up over this. I don't need this lowlife criminal scum ratcheting up my blood pressure...again.

at 12:12 PM, January 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't say I'm surprised by this. He's only doing what everyone else seems to be doing in today's society - blame someone else. Personal responsibility has become a thing of the past.

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